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Author Topic: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay  (Read 157891 times)


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #105 on: 27 December 2017, 12:52:39 am »
OMG, I had this tw*t around 4/5 years ago! Matches the description, black and a strong accent. He picked me up from Paddington station (I had travelled from Cardiff) and then we took two buses to his grotty little council flat. Alarm bells were playing jingle all the way but I believed his bank transfer lie.

 He had promised me 1200 for the overnight. He had a bottle of red wine, and he said, 'it's not cheap, this wine, it cost me a tenner.'

The next morning, we went to the bank together. I waited in Hyde park for it to come through for hours. I eventually had to call a friend to get me a train ticket home, cause I'd spent the last of my money on travelling to London. He bought me lunch from Boots,  but he told me what I had to eat.

I'm still angry about this one, years later. Let's make sure nobody else falls for it.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #106 on: 22 April 2018, 01:57:01 am »
« Last Edit: 10 February 2020, 10:02:03 pm by LolaBella »

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #107 on: 12 July 2018, 08:14:45 pm »
In talking to ladies online that I have met we are building a case around this and we do have some personal details of this man. If you would like to be a part of the police report and have been affected by this disgusting man please get in contact with me and I shall dm my best to help. I understand it’s a sore subject as it still is for me.
Sometimes I think that I could die from an overdose of satisfaction. -Salvador Dali


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #108 on: 20 August 2018, 04:45:02 pm »
Heads up his new adultwork username is Jamess_7k88#&


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #109 on: 22 August 2018, 02:03:12 pm »
I met this man 12 days ago on the tenth of august. He is absolute scum.
I met him at London bridge station, I expected a car to come and pick me up, but no, we took 2 different buses and a long walk to get to his. By this point I had no clue where I was, and I know London pretty well as I used to live there. He said we were in Chelsea, but he was probably lying, as he lies about everything. it was a horrible dingy staircase leading up to a very sparsely decorated flat. I suspect that it is not his real home, but I could be wrong If anyone knows the address please send it.

When we got back to his I asked for my payment and he used the same story as usual, about how the bank wouldn't let him withdraw it as it was such a large amount. He said that he had already emailed me to say he was paying by transfer, no such email exists. For some reason I believed him, I feel so stupid now, but I don't know a lot about banking. I gave him my details and then he made a fake call to his bank. Please don't judge me for believing him he made it seem so convincing.

Then we started our session together, I could not get a word in. Definitely the same guy, he has a strong accent, I think he is Nigerian. He was talking utter crap, kept talking about security cameras in London, and mundane facts about celebrities. Then he heated up some food for me, bear in mind that he had even asked what kind of food I like, and I had said Thai, he served up some disgusting greasy mince and rice that I could barely swallow. This is relevant because I think he drugged the food, or the drinks. I drank about 2 glasses of wine, yes, they were large glasses but i know my limits with alcohol, and i would have to drink about 4 times that in order to fall into a comatose state, as I have a high tolerance.

After that we went to his bed, he was persistent, very rough, and wanted to go again right after we had finished, i think we had sex about 3 times, but i do not remember falling asleep and the last thing i remember is him having sex with me and I was wishing it could be over. This makes me think that he slept with me in my sleep, and also the fact that I woke up in so much pain, with ejaculate coming out of me. And then we had sex 2 more times in the morning, it was so so painful.

Then he did the same as to other girls where he insisted on coming with me on the bus (I was going to get the tube on my own, but he persuaded me into getting the bus with him, probably so I didn't remember how to walk to his from the station) I was going to shepherds bush to meet a friend and he accompanied me there and came with me to a cash point to check if the money was there. I had asked to check a cash-point in his area, and he said there were none.. which was bullshit as we passed about 5 in his area on the bus. Of course the money wasn't there, and he said it sometimes takes a few days. by this point I only partly believed him but just wanted to get as far away from him as possible, as he was so annoying, would not shut up, and I could feel myself about to snap and scream at him. So we went our separate ways and I went to meet my friend.

I was then stuck in London staying with my friend for 3 days, I only brought enough money to get up there, as I had been expecting to get paid for my work. Eventually a friend lent me the money to get back to Brighton.

What is strange is that I kept calling him for about a week after this incident, and he still maintained that he had direct debits coming out and that why the money was taking a long time. Of course I didn't believe this, I may have been stupid enough for him to lie to me once, but not again. He kept trying to guilt trip me, saying that he couldn't check why it hadn't come through as he was visiting his brother who had been sectioned, and trying to make me feel bad that ' I didn't care about his brother'. Doubt that the brother even exists, and he's the one that needs to be sectioned. I gave up on calling after a week, and decided to take action through the sexual assault survivors network, they have links with the police. I tried to text him today, and the message wouldn't send, so he either has a new phone, or my number blocked.

The number he was texting me on was 07508 6447**
His adultwork id at the time was James_7k88 
it has since been changed to Jamess_7k88#&
I hope this warning is seen and that he has no more victims, but I worry that this will not be the case.

I want to take him down, but alone my voice is not enough, I will still make a report but worry that the police will do nothing. If other girls who he has affected come forward with me we will have more of a chance of getting this man in jail. So please Dm me, I understand that it is hard to talk about, this incident has affected my mental health greatly.

If anyone has more details, please send them to me, especially his address. If the police will do nothing I will do something myself.

Sorry for such a long post, thanks for reading,
Eden xxx

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #110 on: 22 August 2018, 11:02:55 pm »
I think he contacted me ages ago it all looks so similar but i said no as something never added up.

Is the police not doing anything about this i thought they were getting statements or something.

Surprised somebody has not taught him a serious lesson by now.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #111 on: 30 August 2018, 10:24:20 am »
Hi everyone!
I’m a newbie and I’m still getting my website up and running
I have a AW profile and I believe this guy may have messaged me
The messages were as follows:
We meet babe what’s your availability dates I book you to me overnights London do let me know; james

Sorry I don’t do overnights for guys with no feedback

You have no feedback plus I don’t rely on them I’m not an escort

I pretty much left it at that

I hope that helps. Stay safe ladies !!


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #112 on: 01 September 2018, 04:34:41 pm »
Hi everyone!
I’m a newbie and I’m still getting my website up and running
I have a AW profile and I believe this guy may have messaged me
The messages were as follows:
We meet babe what’s your availability dates I book you to me overnights London do let me know; james

Sorry I don’t do overnights for guys with no feedback

You have no feedback plus I don’t rely on them I’m not an escort

I pretty much left it at that

I hope that helps. Stay safe ladies !!

Can you please post his current AW name?
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #113 on: 02 September 2018, 10:38:11 am »
Sorry I forgot to mention, it’s Jamess-12kx@#


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #114 on: 07 November 2018, 08:37:21 pm »
hi was talking about this guy with a pal who he scammed a few years back, the other day, she was wondering where the legal case was at? if it exists at all? she is prepared to give a police statement etc

Hakuna Matata

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #115 on: 04 January 2019, 05:26:22 am »
he's back..or maybe he didn't left..i had an email yesterday with email adress :  ma*********
I had a message from Eden and contacted some of the victims here but no answer. if anyone is reading this and starting a report to the police or anything else, please contact me as he scammed at my begins and i will never forget.

[Email censored]
« Last Edit: 04 January 2019, 08:43:17 am by amy »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #116 on: 13 January 2019, 09:16:57 pm »
he's back..or maybe he didn't left..i had an email yesterday with email adress :  ma*********
I had a message from Eden and contacted some of the victims here but no answer. if anyone is reading this and starting a report to the police or anything else, please contact me as he scammed at my begins and i will never forget.

[Email censored]
he scammed my french friend few years back same tactics it must be him do you have his address as would like to report to the police.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #117 on: 13 January 2019, 09:35:41 pm »
he scammed my french friend few years back same tactics it must be him do you have his address as would like to report to the police.

You need to get your friend to post/report this August; the police won't be interested in third party hearsay and neither is it suitable for the warnings section here. Please do encourage her to do so.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #118 on: 10 February 2019, 07:08:56 pm »
I think I met with the same guy. He uses the name “Thomas” and I met him early January. It was the bus ride that stuck out for me bc I thought he was coming in a car. He had barely any possesitions at his place. I think he slept with me in my sleep bc I did wake up wetter than I expected. He promised that the bank transfer would be instant and he left me kinda traumatised. I haven’t had a meet since then. I was so sore. He kept talking about other girls which put me at “ease” bc I thought that if he’s met more than one surely he’s not a scammer. I thought something was amiss but I was all the way in London. I think I have his current phone number bc he’s still promising to pay me. I even topped up his oyster for him Jfc. I’m so annoyed that I let myself get scammed like that even if Ik it wasn’t really my fault I was just being naive


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #119 on: 13 October 2019, 12:08:52 pm »
I have only just found this site after escorting since late 2015, oh how I wish I had been aware when I first started,  it would have saved me from being scammed by this man in early 2016.

Like so many stories on here he contacted me under the Maartinns_Y#88 profile name, I deleted the number long ago.

Same MO and as a newbie I fell for it hook line and sinker, I booked and paid for my own train tickets from Swansea, when I arrived at paddington he left me sitting and waiting at the station for an hour and a half,  it was too late to get the train home, on arrival he was dressed much less affluently than I expected and as others I was surprised by the bus journeys as opposed to the cab or car he had suggested we would be taking, he even got me to buy my own oyster card to pay for the bus journey ffs.

His flat was dingy, poorly equipped and had washing hanging in the bathroom to dry, it almost felt like it was a pool flat that more than one person uses but nobody lives in,  offered me wine which I refused but no food although I had been promised a meal out. Talked incessantly about shite and we finally went to bed in an almost bare room, just a bed and a lamp on the floor, sex was forgettable or would have been but for the fact he fiddled with the condom continuously and I'm damn sure he took it off before the end as I was soaked, he tried again in the morning but i avoid it as i was up before him and refused to go back to bed as i had a train to catch.

Now for the money....or not as we have all learned with this guy!

He promised me 1500, he didn't deliver on meeting, he promised as always to transfer, I gave him the details at the flat and it wouldn't work,  cue a fake call to his bank and it was supposed to happen in the morning, it obviously didn't, we went to the station and to Macdonald's,  I paid for mine obviously and we waited for the "transaction " to go through! I tried to get him to go to a cash point but to no avail and I ran out of time so had to get my train,  I checked all the way home for the money to go in.........I'm still waiting  ;D

This man knocked my confidence for some time in regards to my ability to judge character and I was quite cross at myself for some time for allowing myself to be bullied into accepting that situation in a very passive aggressive manner and for being taken in by him, I'm not beating myself up anymore I put him down as a wanker long ago. Sadly I now know after finding this thread he is a dangerous man too.

There is no stronger case than this man for petitioning AW to auto register escorts with the SAAFE website to equip them with the tools to stay safe and informed in this industry  xxx