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Author Topic: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay  (Read 157853 times)


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London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« on: 26 August 2011, 09:57:01 pm »
Adult work name Jerome_669, number 07583762***. About 5'7 ish, black, thick accent.Will say he will pay you by ransfer but doesn't.
He lives in Kensington/Chealsea area, email me for full ddress, tends to wear a bow tie (i know!) and has an accent that was hard to understand. I got to paddington at around 9.30 pm and we walked back to his which took like 30mins and two buses, which sent alarm bells ringing becasue he said we'd get a cab.
 We get there and he tries to make me drink red wine, which i don't because i don't drink and work, and i ask for my money, upfront as you do. Two overnights is ?2000 and he says his bank won't allow him to take that anount up at once and he will transfer it to me, so he takes my bank details. I take his word for it as he's been going on about how nice he is and he seems ligit and lives in Chealsea so obviously has the money.
So i have sex with him several times, but he's A) huge and B) shit and he rips my downstairs up, which means ican't work for a couple of days while it heals over.

So i offer to go, as can't have sex for a few days, and he'll justpay ?1000, which i think is pretty reasonable as i can't work for days after this. He sas no he wants me to stay but then spends the whole day dragging me around London, doing chores and showing me the sites while i'm in quite a bit of pain cause of the bleeding and the walking.

We go back to his at abou 8 ish he tries it on, i say no, we've had this talk and go to sleep. Next day he walks me to the train station and says the money will be there Monday. It's now Friday, i have no weekend work money, I still can't work cause of the rip and he's blocked me on AW and won't answer my calls.

Idiot gave me his address tho.

Don't work with him, seems legit, but he ISN'T!!!



[Title edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 18 January 2012, 06:26:15 pm by amy »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #1 on: 27 August 2011, 02:25:42 pm »
Roxie, please report this to the police - if you don't want to go to them directly, go to Praed Street and do an Ugly Mugs report. You're not going to be the first person he has robbed and harmed and until someone intervenes, you won't be the last. If you want contact details for somebody there please PM me.

Can everybody else please remember that, once again, this section is not for speculation and general chit chat, and the only information which should be added is that which adds to or expands upon the original warning. Other messages belong in a PM - the Rules thread is here.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #2 on: 11 December 2011, 07:35:08 am »
I saw this idiot a few weeks ago-he took me to his flat from victoria station  and acted very respectable but when we got there he started talking and I literally could not get one word in edgeways to ask for the money-four hours later I finally got a chance and he was talking about going to the cash machine in the morning as he was afraid of getting robbed lol-so I suggested he paid it straight into my account,he made a very fake sounding phone call to his bank and I got my boyfriend to go to the cash machine with my card and check-sure enough nothing was in there so I left lol and he got nowt  :D he called himself jerome but that wasn't the name on his bank card-pm me for his number he was nigerian


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #3 on: 11 December 2011, 11:46:54 am »
Meee, you can post censored mobile numbers here - have you read the Rules for posting Warnings thread at the top of the board?

If you post the nunber in the correct format with no spaces and the last two digits censored like this: 012345678** then other members can search for them in the event that they think this man has contacted them. We already have a warning about a similar sounding warning here, although the area is different - please have a look and see if it sounds like the same person.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #4 on: 11 December 2011, 01:38:01 pm »
DEFINATELY the same guy-I'm so glad I didn't have sex with him then-he was trying to make me drink red wine as well I have a different mobile number for him I think-it's written down somewhere,I will post it when I find it later


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #5 on: 11 December 2011, 04:40:21 pm »
Right, threads merged.

It's maybe worth my pointing out that this berk also contacted me about a month ago asking about an overnight, but his English was so appalling I told him I wasn't interested. Profile name is still Jerome_669 but I don't have a number as it never got as far as a booking  and I blocked him immediately so I don't have the email. I do remember the subject line was in all caps, which is enough on it's own to put me off. And his profile was vile.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #6 on: 12 December 2011, 10:13:27 pm »
yep jerome 669 and I do have the same number for him as well actually-He met me at victoria station and took me on some long bus ride followed by a long walk as well-I think the idea is to disorientate you so you don't remember where his place is to find it again-I think the chealsea place and the wandsworth place might be the same flat-he told me he lived in Chealsea too and I was so disorientated that I didn't know where I was but after I left I went to a nearby petrol station and asked what area it was and they told me wandsworth-pretty sure it's a council flat as well cos of the dirty stairwell etc


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #7 on: 18 December 2011, 01:09:40 am »
This man is now also using the AW nick Washington_2011

New profile registered 14th December 2011 and already 67 emails sent at the time of writing. Be vigilant, folks.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #8 on: 04 January 2012, 10:38:18 pm »
Friend of mine got a email from the new username of 'Washington_2011' have now blocked him hope the first person reports him to police he is STILL using the same number from first post.  805 emails sent on this Washington_2011 login )-:
« Last Edit: 04 January 2012, 10:39:56 pm by Kayci »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #9 on: 18 January 2012, 06:25:23 pm »
This man is now also using the AW nick Washington_2011

New profile registered 14th December 2011 and already 67 emails sent at the time of writing. Be vigilant, folks.

Now using Charles_888 and Stephen-W (thread title modified).


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #10 on: 28 January 2012, 04:58:57 pm »
He has also been emailing my friend and I in Glasgow but didn't entertain him but he is very persistent!!


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #11 on: 25 April 2012, 08:57:54 pm »
Met this idiot also for an overnighter; went on an hour long bus journey to some horrible council flat like the other girls mentioned;
went inside his flat; he wanted to get things going but I said money first; he made some bogus call; etc. etc. I said no, has to be cash, even half of it in cash I was okay with. I don't like carrying large amounts of money says 'jerome'- because you do not have any fool!

Refused to drink his crap red wine and refused to sleep with him or be intimate until I saw the money.
He kicked me and I was all too happy to leave.

Disgusting man.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #12 on: 26 April 2012, 12:43:15 pm »
Current Nickname is Stephen_x6qj  (User ID: 1426819 - this will never change, despite what he changes his nickname to.)

Seems to like derivatives of "Washington" and "Stephen", was Stephen_666 previously.

Charles_888 User ID: 1110158.  Was Jerome_669.

If you've been to an address at Shacklewell Lane then real name is most likely David A******.

Help is out there if you "ask" for it.

[Edited to remove identifying personal detail - can members PLEASE read the Rules thread before posting?]

[Profile deleted - this is a sex workers only forum, so can any other random men reading please consider this before pitching in, breaching Data Protection and helpfully patronising us all?]
« Last Edit: 26 April 2012, 01:12:37 pm by amy »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #13 on: 27 April 2012, 03:30:17 pm »
he tried to book me for an oevrnighter, back when I was brand new, luckily I'd read the saafe guidance and after him not confirming details and just getting a bit to sexual in his contact I blocked him. His email adress showed up as "wesley Snipes", stpen_664

Alison J James

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #14 on: 01 June 2012, 12:01:02 pm »
I think I may have seen this guy  :-[ I think he is using the name Stephen_penweiiXX