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Author Topic: Stalker/Harasser - Potentially Dangerous (Stockwell - London)  (Read 1480 times)


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Stalker/Harasser - Potentially Dangerous (Stockwell - London)
« on: 07 September 2020, 11:05:09 am »
Located in Stockwell, London and goes by the name Alex.
The address he will send you is ** Chute House, SW9 0HG.
He switched numbers but the current number is 075398905**
He is around 5’7, black british, young (looks late teens/early 20s).

He booked with me back in March 2020 and the address seemed dodgy and wouldn’t located me to an actual building, just surrounding businesses. He sent me running around with the wrong address, will not pick up the phone to answer. Hides in corners then when you finally find the door, proceeds to text you to strip naked outside. Once I realised he wasn’t serious, I left in which I saw him come out from a corner, face covered in a scarf and followed me. Started to ring my phone and yell abuse whilst following me. I had to run, cut a corner, wait in a private corner whilst waiting for an Uber.

Continued the blow up my phone with harassing and abusive calls and text. I switched off my phone for an hour and when I switched on my phone the calls would not stop I couldn’t even use my phone.

Please be very weary of this guy, I was left shaken that day and had to change my phone number. He must not remember I’m the same girl he harassed as he contacted me again. I have made a report. Please do not see him.

[address censored]
« Last Edit: 07 September 2020, 12:02:52 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Stalker/Harasser - Potentially Dangerous (Stockwell - London)
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2020, 03:48:24 am »
 :FF He was nice when I met him a while ago, however, the condom mysteriously broke -_- and he acted surprised when I noticed. I go over it in my head and I'm sure he ripped the tip open during one point when he adjusted it :FF. So scary to hear your story though honestly.