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Author Topic: Seeking arrangement London - Timewaster, liar and seriously pushing boundaries.  (Read 2720 times)


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I have been apart of this forum for a couple of months but have never posted until now... Unfortunately.

I am new to this escort life and am a member of Seeking arrangement. I have have many inquiries that have been tempting but have never seemed real until a 'gentleman' offered me ?7000 for 6 overnights+ per month. Showing me pictures of him and his macaw parrot and seemingly genuine texts.

His name is Marc and user was Paul2020**(now deleted) 075029990**. We met at Paddington Hilton London and he seemed such a lovely gentleman. We had a coffee and a great chat where he boasted about his charity work+ giving to animal sanctuaries and showing me photos. I could tell he had a lot of money as he was wearing an expensive coat, shoes, new Mercedes and had a black card natwest visa account.

We arranged a next meet on the weekend for two overnights. I explained I would need the money before any sexual interaction happened. He promised that 7k cash would be produced. On the Saturday we were meant to meet I came on my period so had to cancel. I had been on the injection a year before so hadn't had a period at all until then. He seemed understandably upset - which I was also and we agreed to meet once I was clear.

He always had been texting fairly explicit texts and I was worried about the amount he went on about anal, which I am not confortable with. I text 'If anal is what you're after I am not the lady for you' he replied 'I am not after your arse only you heart'

Once I was off my period we arranged to meet for another chat on Wednesday. All went very well and I agreed to join him in his '15 plate long wheel base Range Rover. We parked up and had good foreplay with each other.

We then agreed to meet that weekend Friday night and Saturday night where he would book the Landmark hotel London (apparently the only hotel he says in). I agreed. We then discussed money over text again and he sent me a picture of ?7k+ in ?50 notes with a 23/01/2016 reciept which he had always promised and quoted it is all mine. The night before he then said that Saturday night wouldn't be possible and we had to go to his rented flat in Camberwell at some point to look after his parrot.

I arrived on Friday afternoon, Paddington where he picked me up, went to his flat then to the hotel. From then he was rough and liked to call me 'dirty slut' 'bitch' whilst kissing me. I am a polite girl so found this awkward but thought of the money only. He took a while to kiss, caress and go down on me.

He is overweight and had diabetes so keeps his energy slowish. We then have sex, whilst being called a slut and dirty bitch I was so tempted to go but thought of the money again. He puts me in doggy and shoves it up my bum so hard I scream and cry. He lasted to seconds and I went to the toilet to find I have been ripped with his forcefulness.

We go to sleep and in the morning he asked for my bank details to transfer a lump sum.

In the morning I promptly go home. I text him my bank details and he calls me a weirdo, prostitute and that he won't pay a penny. I then say I will go to the police and he blackmails me saying he'll go to my work and tell them I'm a prostitute.

I have leant from my lesson. This guy is not right in the head, bald around 5'9" and wants to talk about himself only. I really hope no one else gets involved and I would appricate any advice.

[space removed from mobile number]
« Last Edit: 02 February 2016, 10:00:26 am by amy »