Hey ! I had a booking this guy claims it's his first time to use an escort went to his house ... As soon as I was there he said he didn't have the money as he reached his limit for drawing out cash at the cash point machine I explained I'm not doing it unless I have cash upfront an when I left straight away he was continuously texting saying he thought he could do a bank transfer . I said no now this guy asked to book again I said yes thought id text just before to say I'm getting ready etc me with you soon no reply !! Then he keeps texting an ringing me all the time to say he wants to book but never does and I had him call a million times half 3 in the morning so I switched my phone off then he rang again yesterday to book an what a surprise he didn't get back ! Pain in my ass this guy I have also told him numerous times a while a go I need at least a day in advance an he rings me as soon as he wants it an expects me to travel to his there an then ! Well this guy is 30 odd tall with a lisp . His number is 07453611***