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Author Topic: Rough and Intimidating (Shoreditch, London)  (Read 1605 times)


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Rough and Intimidating (Shoreditch, London)
« on: 01 November 2021, 05:46:34 pm »
Black British, mid 20s, approx 6 ft, short-shaved hair, smart black trousers, smart white top with black thin jacket. Eyes slightly discoloured. From South London.

Thick south London blaccent, was initially pleasant till payment was made and the session started in which he become increasingly disrespectful and intimidating. Would intentionally penetrate very aggressively as if he wanted to cause serious injury. Had to stop him a few times but made it clear it would get more unpleasant if I kept 'interrupting him'. Would aggressively spank me spontaneously and none of this was agreed beforehand.

Session was awful and I tried to get through it but he mentioned my lack of enthusiasm means he couldn't cum and asked for his money back. I offered half but he kept lingering around, asking personal questions and become increasingly intimidating, wanting all his money back. I threatened to call the police if he didn't leave in which he eventually left.
Number is 073992375**

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« Last Edit: 01 November 2021, 07:05:11 pm by SAAFE »