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Author Topic: Leeds look and go then threats to call landlord  (Read 1105 times)


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Leeds look and go then threats to call landlord
« on: 27 October 2021, 10:52:32 pm »

Asian male mid 30s

I checked via text he knew who I was and services available.

A red flag was that when he was outside and I called him with apartment number, he texted it back to me.

He came in the room and said ‘I thought you were black and older sorry’
I showed him the texts where he acknowledged I’m young, blonde etc
He apoligised and wormed out the flat

I text him that he was a ‘rude timewaster who should get a hobby’
He rang me and said ‘I know who owns your flat and il call them and tell them it’s a brothel’
I put the phone down and blocked his number.
