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Author Topic: Johnny to Jilly AW  (Read 4614 times)


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Johnny to Jilly AW
« on: 12 September 2008, 01:16:45 pm »
I have been bothered by a guy in my area for some years! I had seen him a couple of times but refused to meet up again after he begged me for a 50% discount, then offered to pimp me out at a party he would organise.

Recently I inadvertantly made a bid in a reverse booking that he accepted - but when submitting the booking form he changed the DAY and TIME. I realised the phone number was HIM, he said he had really enjoyed our previous times together - so I said I would give him another chance. He insisted he couldn't keep initial time and date for reverse bid and tried to force me to agree the new time - which I couldn't do since I was already fully booked for that day. He made several excuses about the intial time which coupled with previous behaviour I was unable to believe. Following week he contacted me saying he had bids for further reverse bookings that were cheaper than my rates but could I see him at certain time, in a certain outfit/roleplay for ?60. I told him NO WAY.

This week his profile has changed to FEMALE 'Randy Jilly' with photos of a woman that look like they were taken at his home (I visited him there some time ago)........don't know if the woman knows she is on this profile and/or is being controlled by him. All his emails on the site to me have changed to the R.Jilly nickname which is how I know it is him.

Very odd and rather scary.
« Last Edit: 12 September 2008, 01:20:10 pm by strawberry »