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Author Topic: Ireland  (Read 2321 times)

Lucy Chambers

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« on: 08 July 2010, 09:28:26 pm »
I wasn't going to post this here, as it only applies to Ireland. However as some are going on tour and not joining certain forums, it may be useful. It has already been reported in ireland.
This gentleman arrived at 11.50 at night, in Dublin 1. I wouldn't have taken the booking but my friend and I were together and awake so hey ho. He immediately started to look around, and was almost hopping from spot to spot. My friend said hello, he seemed very disturbed by the fact someone was there. When we got to the room, he asked me for water. I told him that I would get it, lets do the paperwork first. He got out his wallet, and it did have cash in it, but he was fixated on the water. He then asked if he could see my friend? By now I know something was wrong, and went out of the room, to talk to said friend. I had no more than four seconds before he came rushing out of the room, with his hand behind his back. My friend pushed him, I went behind him and opened the door and between us we pushed him out, while babbling crap about another client. We felt that whatever he was trying to get out of his pocket got stuck. When we tried the mobile no provided after it was switched off. I do have his number, if needed pm please. Also, any girls going to ireland, please be aware that ei, while very pricy, do have a facility where you can check numbers and ugly mugs. You do have to advertise there to be able to view and check with it though.

« Last Edit: 08 July 2010, 09:35:28 pm by Lucy Chambers »

Lucy Chambers

  • Guest
Re: Ireland
« Reply #1 on: 08 July 2010, 09:30:54 pm »
sorry, description

Age, 35-38
Pale and pallid, may be drug user
Blue eyes
Dark wavy salt and pepper hair
Average build
Nervous and agitated manner (but seems fine on telephone)
Checked Shirt
Blue jeans
Timberland style boots
« Last Edit: 08 July 2010, 10:18:57 pm by Lucy Chambers »