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Author Topic: Insane Drug Addict in Prudhoe - North East.  (Read 2272 times)


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Insane Drug Addict in Prudhoe - North East.
« on: 11 September 2011, 01:40:51 pm »
Just a warning to any ladies offering out calls in the North East to watch out for this guy, his name on AW is  M@rc Smith and his number is 075006916** PM me for full number and address.

I've known him for several months and been doing out calls to his home in Castlefield, Prudhoe. He is on coke and regularly uses during bookings but I never had any problems with him until Thursday night.

Long story short, half an hour into our overnight booking at his place he tells me he only has ?20 and that he spent the rest on coke so he could enjoy the night and that he would be getting some money from a friend on Monday so he would pay me then.

I told him it wasn't on, went into the bathroom to get changed, accidentally leaving my mobile with him in the living room. That's when he locked me in.

I spent the night on his bath room floor after trying several times to attract attention, while he presumably snorted himself to sleep.

My security buddy called in the morning and woke him up. He tried to apologize several times but I wasn't in a very forgiving mood, as you can probably imagine.
« Last Edit: 11 September 2011, 02:01:19 pm by MissArcaBunny »