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Author Topic: Head injury and no pay in Darlington North East  (Read 1587 times)


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Head injury and no pay in Darlington North East
« on: 30 November 2023, 02:13:31 pm »
This is my first post here so bare with me! I did read the warning rules before this so I hope I get this right.

This incident occurred in April last year (2022). Was contacted by a guy named Ben, number 079442902**. Ben is definitely his real name as he's a tree surgeon and I found his business online. He also has a tiktok account (full of videos of his dog and him at work). I have his last name too.
It was my friends birthday that evening, so when he called I told him I was unavailable since I'd already had a couple cans and a smoke of some green stuff, but his banter was good and he sounded really personable. After the call he sent me photo of himself with a can off Coors and a joint in his hand. He's really handsome (over 6ft, beard), so I stupidly invited him to the small "party" we were having, there was only 4 of us there, and said he could come have a drink and I'd start the clock once my friends left. Friend had a flat underneath the one I was working from so it was only a case of sending them downstairs for half hour/an hour.
At one point we were kissing on the sofa, me on top, and he picks me up to flip us over so I'd be on the bottom. Fine by me. As he picks me up, he stumbles forward twice and then drops me. (I'm 5ft 8 and over 12st I'm not surprised but it happened so fast. It definitely was an accident, in fairness). As he dropped me, I hit the back of my head on the letterbox on the front door. I didn't realise I was bleeding until it was dripping onto my shoulder. He and my friend tended to me to make sure I wasn't concussed and we chilled for a bit. I made a joke like "well you'll have to pay the full hour now!", we'd originally agreed on half an hour. I was dating a girl at the time who was a bit jealous and since I was now injured, she didn't want to leave whilst I did 'the job' so she stayed in the flat, he relished in her watching us, he barely looked at me.
When it came time to leave, we agreed on a fee of £150, which is slightly more than I charge but he'd been there a while, had an audience, and injured me so I thought it only fair! Lol. He sent the money to my friends account (I didn't have my card on me and I'm also funny about transfers into my own account anyway). He even showed me that it was sent! The full picture with the big tick to say it had been done. My friend was already passed out, it was his birthday after all. So I didn't wake him up to check it had gone in, big mistake.
Went to the ATM the next morning and nothing was there. He assured me he'd sent it and would call the bank later. I think he even called me first acting all confused and said he'd stay in touch. I kept asking and he said it had been sent from the business account so it should definitely be in.
Needless to say, the contact died down and I never received the money. The cheeky twat STILL follows me on tiktok, and has even tried to WhatsApp me a couple times since, I just reply "Nope." A couple months after the incident he texted me something like "not gonna wish me happy birthday?" And I said "you joking?" And didn't get a reply.

I know I was stupid, I wasn't new to the game. I escorted whilst at Uni before moving abroad and had been back at it for almost a year before I met Ben.  But even us experienced girls get it wrong sometimes.

Don't mix business with pleasure, get paid up front, and if you do take a transfer, make sure you can see it's gone into your account on your own phone. Then transfer it somewhere else straight away. Lesson learned!

His business is registered in Yarm but I'm fairly certain he lives in Middlesbrough, so all North East working girls should beware.

Please avoid this guy if you can. I still have scar and I don't think it'll ever totally go away. I let myself down, I upset my girl and I hate getting screwed by men (figuratively of course, lol).

Wishing you all a good week!

Kat xx

[title edited to remove all caps]
« Last Edit: 30 November 2023, 05:12:06 pm by SAAFE »