SAAFE forum

General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: Panda on 11 August 2016, 10:05:40 pm

Title: Hastings / Tried to force BB / Nightmare
Post by: Panda on 11 August 2016, 10:05:40 pm
As in my topic in the questions section i think I need to put one here too. I am using my phone atm so excuse any spelling issues.

I have seen this guy before, he was polite, nice and wverything went smoothly. This time not so well. He came in, used the toilet while i stashed the money in a room i could see the bathroom from (i now regret leaving him aloneish at this point). Went to the bedroom, all was going fine til he forcefully got on top and tried to enter me without a condom ... I said no, he tried again so i pushed him off me and told him to leave. He was a little angry and i wanted him out asap without as little fuss as poss. On the walk to the door he asked to use the bathroom so i figured if it makes him leave quicker just get it over and done with.

Well ... He was in there 20 mins, i couldnt hear any smashing so i was dreading what the silent mess meant and nearly called a friend around to come help him leave. Then he walked out all smug looking and handed me my work laptop??!?? Which last time i checked it was in the front room (across from the bathroom) and told me "good luck" & left.

Turns out he got my aw account shut down. I am trying to get it back atm and hopefully I will do. He sent out emails to clients who had msgd me telling them i will skype fuck them for paypal money transactions.

Lesson learned, no more saved pws or bits out in the open.

I have also been getting calls asking if i am 'anal alessa at ?30 an hr' so tomorrow i am going to be trying again to find that ad to get it taking down.

About the client:

- First time he told me his name was shawn, this time he said James
- if i remember rightly he originally found me on xhamster bbuutt i cannot find his name on there, blocked maybe? I know it had shawn in it though.
- the number i have for him is +4478404886**
- black, short hair & he has dark toned skin (im not good with races)

I think thats everything & i hope i have complied with the rules in posting here