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Author Topic: Has some one from Television x phoned you?  (Read 2822 times)


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Has some one from Television x phoned you?
« on: 27 November 2009, 10:28:07 am »
Ok the other day my phone rung it was a mobile number,
answered it, 'Hello sweethart is that lexy' yes i replied,
would you ever be interesting in filming, i replied yes i do that for extra, he said no for television x,
no thanks i said,
the whole convo sounded completely unprofessional, didn't introduce himself
he phoned me again a few days later and i said you have spoken to me already and he hung up
♥"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe♥


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Re: Has some one from Television x phoned you?
« Reply #1 on: 27 November 2009, 11:44:01 am »
I don't know if Television X actually produce films themselves, but I would imagine if they did they would be far more professional in their approach than this, and it's pretty clear that this is just another timewaster. Did he actually try to get you to make any concrete arrangements in terms of locations, dates, fees and so on?

If a warning is going to be of any use to other ladies, you really need to provide a bit more information - read the 'How to post a warning' thread above - any contact numbers should have the last two digits replaced with asterisks like this '01234 5678**'. Did he ask you anything about yourself or tell you the specific reason he was calling?

If you've only recently started advertising your phone number you need to be prepared for a lot of these calls from guys who think you're green and will tell you anything to try and take advantage - you will also more than likely hear from the Daily Sport, Touch Local, a few random directories (who seem to realise now that we just delete their emails and have started cold calling) as well as the constant and persistant TWs, many of whom are mentioned on this forum and have spoken to a number of us at one time or another. You'll get used to it, and they will fizzle out to maybe one a week or less (I hardly get any nowadays), but if you post a warning every time one calls, you will soon find yourself with no free time whatsoever!

If you didn't read that link I posted on the other thread, here it is again.
« Last Edit: 27 November 2009, 03:21:45 pm by amy »


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Re: Has some one from Television x phoned you?
« Reply #2 on: 28 November 2009, 09:51:23 am »

no ive been advertising my number since July, i always have time wasters but i thought this was relevant

i just thought id mention it, in case some one believes him!

why is it every time i post i feel like i'm doing something wrong!
♥"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe♥


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Re: Has some one from Television x phoned you?
« Reply #3 on: 28 November 2009, 11:06:11 am »

no ive been advertising my number since July, i always have time wasters but i thought this was relevant

i just thought id mention it, in case some one believes him!

why is it every time i post i feel like i'm doing something wrong!

Don't feel like that Leah - all I meant was that if you are going to post a warning (the point of which is to be helpful to other ladies, and alert them to people who may be up to no good) then it is a lot more useful if you can provide some specific information for them to look out for. Phone number, anything about voice or accent, what he said specifically that maybe stood out, if he tried to arrange to meet you anywhere and so on. Four months is not long and you will get all manner of twats ringing you trying it on - there are so many people starting off at the moment the dedicated TWs must be at it 24 hours a day trying to get through them all. If you advertise on AW (which I think you said you did), you can multiply this by ten - the site is notorious for idiots, scammers and worse.

The fact that this man rang you back and then hung up when you told him he'd tried you already shows that this isn't a one off, and I think you did the right thing in posting about it - a gullible newbie might be taken in by him (for reasons which have always escaped me, some people would happily let all common sense go flying out of the window at the thought of being on TV) and we don't know what his ultimate intentions were if someone believed what he said.

Please don't be put off posting warnings if you really think that they could help somebody else, but try to give others a bit more to go on - if this man phones somebody else and something happens, we need details so we know whether it was same person who rang you or not or just a prat who read this thread and thought he would give it a go and try for a freebie. So please - post contact details for this one so others know to avoid him  :).