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Author Topic: Time waster [didn't pay] and pushy client  (Read 3801 times)


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Time waster [didn't pay] and pushy client
« on: 24 July 2023, 02:38:01 am »
Hello this is my first time posting here hopefully I do well enough that is, any who Im busting here about a recent client I had in Seattle Washington, lid say early to late 40s about my height 5'8"-5'9"  stockier build, blackwork tattoo on their forearm I believe it's right side glasses short brown hair claims to be a doctor , and goes by the alias Matt I had service for a fair amount of time they how to grade to the rate of 400 after everything. Then low and freaking behold, he doesn't have his money I wanting to respond with nothing but venom and hate decided to hold that in and say okay but you must agree that you will pay within a week's time at most, I've done this a few times and they had paid me back within 3 days or the moment they get paid but they were very communicative about that and would keep me updated I haven't received any updates from him In fact very quiet on his own I send a messages saying that no payment Well I've yet to receive it and it's been about 2 weeks Don't waste your time with us when cuz he's surely will waste your time and patience. Maybe if they want to do that I'll need some sort of collateral if they're trusted client of mine. Otherwise I'm just going to require cash up front, no exceptions whatsoever I'm looking back yeah I should have done that regardless but hindsight's 20/20 You try to be somewhat reasonable then this is what I get for it.  He will waste your time energy and patience I'm kind of at my whits end with them And just chalking this one up to a lost cause. The number is 0136039087** keep your eyes out for this one and if you get a call from this number ignore.

[nunber edited, title edited lfor clarity]
Ps. Thank you for the person who sent me a message about clearing things up I appreciate it and I appreciate you for taking the time to read it and willing to give me feedback! ❤️
« Last Edit: 25 July 2023, 02:55:42 am by JKANDII »


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Re: Time waster [didn't pay] and pushy client
« Reply #1 on: 24 July 2023, 08:38:22 pm »
Hi JKANDII and welcome to SAAFE :)

Your post isn't very clear about what happened - did the punter not bring cash to pay you before the booking started? I'm guessing you're in the US from the number, but whilst you have to be more careful about asking directly for money in exchange for sex, it's also fine to ask them to leave immediately if they don't/won't/haven't paid you.

Either way please add the location where this happened and then it's out there for anybody nearby :)