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Author Topic: had no money when i got there.  (Read 1581 times)

April Showers

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had no money when i got there.
« on: 18 October 2011, 08:42:23 am »
Hi Ladies i went on a outcall last night to shotton in flintshire the guys name is barry and his tel number is 07535546*** i also have his landline number and address  ( all checked out ).
This is as much my fault as i had a feeling not to go i had cancelled on him twice before due to *my gut feeling* always listen to it !
He booked me last week confirming etc yesterday i arrived he ushered me in and i knew when i saw him he wasnt a * full shilling * trying to be nice here ...... he tried to start the service asap but i knew what was coming ... he was insisting i had a drink and went in another room supposedly to get the money i knew then and there he hadnt any he did that twice came back and said he couldnt find any i left ( he said he thought he would have it when i arrived ?? )
I think he lived with his parents and they had gone out ( he was in his thirties or forties ) ........... he just loked at  me all sad when i left not violent or anything
Just dont want anyone else to have a wasted trip ...........