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Author Topic: Guy who tries to use role play to avoid paying LONDON  (Read 1625 times)


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Guy who tries to use role play to avoid paying LONDON
« on: 09 September 2015, 02:40:57 pm »
Had a guy call to book two hours. Said that he wanted role play with me interviewing for a job. He also said that I'd been recommended to him.

Stressed that I was to be obedient and keen to earn money. I told him that role play would begin when he'd paid. He agreed.

Showed up late after much faffing about.

Let me see that he had money, but said we'd gotten off to a bad start with the room confusion so said he'd come out of the bathroom and we'd start. Came out and started interviewing me. I answered a few questions and asked him if I could read over the "paperwork."  He said that we'd gotten off to a bad start and he'd go walk down the corridor and come back. I told him not to bother.

He said his name was Richard. During the address confusion I got his voice mail.... Clearly a punting phone as his greeting said "Mmmmm... Frog Doggy Dog...." So that's probably his name on AW.



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Re: Guy who tries to use role play to avoid paying LONDON
« Reply #1 on: 09 September 2015, 03:41:17 pm »
Transparent rip-off merchant. Good for you for standing your ground. Ahahaha, frog doggy dog, how old is he, 3??
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Re: Guy who tries to use role play to avoid paying LONDON
« Reply #2 on: 09 September 2015, 03:58:52 pm »
He's in his 50s I'd say. Medium height, slender. Dark hair.

I didn't stand my ground. I don't like role play, don't have it on my likes, and should have declined the booking.

I've also experienced "running late"/stalling from at least one other game player. I should have called it off much sooner.