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Author Topic: Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport  (Read 2063 times)


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Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport
« on: 23 July 2011, 04:13:00 pm »
Had a lovely service with a lovely guy, I had to travel a while to get there, but he assured me he would pay the taxi, I would normally say no without a second thought, but he came across as really genuine and lovely.
He paid the ?50 taxi no problem, I saw that he had additional money on him ( I had already confirmed with him he had the money in his place with him before I left) so I asked for my fee as he wasn't forthcoming, he assured me it as fine, counted the money out and placed it on the counter. I am fairly new to this, but not usually so green, however as he had counted it in front of me and was so lovely and genuine I thought right ok.

So later he calls me a taxi home and I once again ask for money, says he is short, we drive to cash machine, getting taxi to meet us there ( I don't know how he claims he is short as he clearly and slowly counted it in front of me) Next, yep you guessed it he can't get enough money out, then drives off leaving me there.

He since text saying really sorry, would come meet me with money at ten am (obviously didn't show) He's not like that blah blah blah, still trying to string me along as I type saying if I go to his he will give me the money then (HA!) I've told him he has until 5pm to meet me with my agreed fee or I will contact police, now he says go on then I will tell them I agreed to ?90 and you never mentioned taxis, even though I have it all in text after I initially spoke to him " Just to confirm its ?160 plus taxi fee as agreed" and a response from him agreeing in the positive. I know police wouldn't do anything, but he doesn't, as he is now telling me that "offering sex for cash is illegal" told him to check his facts.

Anyway name was given as Matt, when booking my taxi home he gave the name Morgan, potentially a surname I guess. He said he works in I.T and is currently setting up his own business

contact number 07715 1037** which he is still texting me from even now, I am just repeatedly sending him the same message stating not to text me again unless it is with a time and place I can collect my agreed fee...

I have his address, not sure if I am allowed to include this, but it is in Pontypool which he said isn't far from Newport (it was alot further out than first thought, but IS a Newport postcode)


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Re: Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport
« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2011, 04:20:21 pm »
Sorry for lack of punctuation, am very angry and upset x


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Re: Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport
« Reply #2 on: 26 July 2011, 11:44:52 am »
Hi Welsh Belle,

I have sent you a PM X


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Re: Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport
« Reply #3 on: 27 July 2011, 11:19:41 pm »
could you pm me his number please as i go to cardiff every month and im there next week

much appreciated Paris


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Re: Guy who doesn't like to pay nr Cardiff/Newport
« Reply #4 on: 31 July 2011, 01:41:54 am »
Now texting from 07770 7624**
All same details, offering to pay for taxi, etc