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Author Topic: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken  (Read 6131 times)


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Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« on: 13 September 2008, 12:42:49 am »
I have had 2 calls from a guy called Carl - very well spoken, quite pompous in manner. Offering work with a 'very exclusive' agency, catering for high profiles actors/etc etc.

Came from a withheld number. 1st call he launched into the selling points - very good patter, I was running late for an incall at the time and said, sorry I'm ok thanks with the work I got and I  i really need to dry my hair as am off out!

He carried on trying to tell me but I really was going to be late so ended the call. Second call was the next day and when he called he asked for Linzi - I said yes as I recognised his voice and thought Id see what yarn he was spinning.

Basically - offers ?500 upwards per hr/ different tiers acording to services offered - BB gets you up to ?1000 an hr (Uh NO don't do that!!) apparently all the clients are sexual health screened to prove they are clean!

I asked for number to call him back or website etc to verify him, cant provide he says - it is so exclusive that no info such as numbers are given out. Once on the books you are provided with a phone....

We had a discussion - Him saying couldn't give any contact info incase of press leak etc for high profile guys, Me saying if I cant verify you then I dont believe you, seeing as you called me then its unlikely you think I am from News of the World!! Said he could get one of the current girls on the books to call me, but that was the only contact. I pointed out that she could be anyone, just as he could.

Kept being very patronising and saying, I do hope I dont come across as patronising.... obviously knew he was! Claimed not to remember talking to me the previous evening, but said I 'do hope I didn't say off you go and dry your hair or something patronising!' He did - I said I cant recall what you said as I wasn't really listening Also says a car will be provided for outcall as their ladies must never turn up in less than a limo or similar!!!

Has a very well rehearsed sales patter, or is a practised bullsh**ter

When I said no, sorry I'll stick with what I got he becomes very condescending and says well, if you dont want the earnings then you there are plenty of girls who do, we only have a limited few spaces for girls so you will miss out.

Lovely I said, you'll have no trouble filling your spaces then! Then he launches into patter again............

I feel no contact info, so secret you cant even know who runs it, promises of cars and crazy money does not ring true.

I believe this is dodgy, if anyone knows it to be genuine then I apologise but I generally think what sounds too good to be true mostly is! Please decide for yourselves x

PS - Another girl has told me since I posted this on another site that she was called by same guy approx a year ago, agreed to it he then says that BB and Anal must be offered, you have to go to London for a 'trial', elocution lesons and personal shopping to get suitable clothes.........  While he was on the phone did emphasise huge amounts (?1000 + i think)for BB and Anal in his tier system of pay.  AVOID him I think, particularly new girls who may believe him.............

Anika Mae

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Re: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« Reply #1 on: 13 September 2008, 02:47:18 am »
Oh yes, it's a scam. He tries to get you to agree to as many services as possible so you get on a higher paygrade, then it's revealed that you're expected to perform all of those services with "one of the male escorts" as an audition. I heard from him when I started, that was almost four years ago now! It really upset me then, the things people will do to others. Sadly I've got used to the idea.

He does have an American woman involved who would have told you how great it is being with the agency. I've always wondered what she gets out of it.


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Re: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« Reply #2 on: 13 September 2008, 12:36:58 pm »
The other big 'fake agency' scam I used to get calls about was Unique aka Sunshine Girls aka Naughty But Nice and no doubt other names. At least one of the 'agency' names had a plausible website.

The call would be to say that they had an overnight booking for a group of men, very well paid, at a hotel in or near Slough, we don't have someone, are you interested?

Escort turns up, has lots of (not nice) sex with about five Asian men through the night, gets robbed by them in the morning. Gang rape, morally if not legally, basically.

Annoyingly, each of the cases I heard about were outside the Metropolitan Police area, and as far as I know, disgracefully Thames Valley police were never interested enough to do anything with the info they were given.

At least one escort got done by something very similar in Birmingham too.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« Reply #3 on: 01 October 2008, 11:18:16 pm »

 I Just got this one. Now calling himself Richard. I have a feeling real scouts for agencies don't call at 23:15pm. He called it a dating agency with exclusive membership promising me a lot more money than I'm asking in my rates and the members pay to join and as soon as the words 'health screening' popped up I made my goodbyes. If I'm independent, it's because I've chosen to be independent and in charge. Dumbass.

 Think he said it was somethingDivas lunchingdivas or datingdivas or whatever  07961872**8    Bah I say!


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Re: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« Reply #4 on: 15 July 2009, 02:13:57 pm »
I have had 2 calls from a guy called Carl - very well spoken, quite pompous in manner. Offering work with a 'very exclusive' agency, catering for high profiles actors/etc etc.

Came from a withheld number. 1st call he launched into the selling points - very good patter, I was running late for an incall at the time and said, sorry I'm ok thanks with the work I got and I  i really need to dry my hair as am off out!

He carried on trying to tell me but I really was going to be late so ended the call. Second call was the next day and when he called he asked for Linzi - I said yes as I recognised his voice and thought Id see what yarn he was spinning.

Basically - offers ?500 upwards per hr/ different tiers acording to services offered - BB gets you up to ?1000 an hr (Uh NO don't do that!!) apparently all the clients are sexual health screened to prove they are clean!

I asked for number to call him back or website etc to verify him, cant provide he says - it is so exclusive that no info such as numbers are given out. Once on the books you are provided with a phone....

We had a discussion - Him saying couldn't give any contact info incase of press leak etc for high profile guys, Me saying if I cant verify you then I dont believe you, seeing as you called me then its unlikely you think I am from News of the World!! Said he could get one of the current girls on the books to call me, but that was the only contact. I pointed out that she could be anyone, just as he could.

Kept being very patronising and saying, I do hope I dont come across as patronising.... obviously knew he was! Claimed not to remember talking to me the previous evening, but said I 'do hope I didn't say off you go and dry your hair or something patronising!' He did - I said I cant recall what you said as I wasn't really listening Also says a car will be provided for outcall as their ladies must never turn up in less than a limo or similar!!!

Has a very well rehearsed sales patter, or is a practised bullsh**ter

When I said no, sorry I'll stick with what I got he becomes very condescending and says well, if you dont want the earnings then you there are plenty of girls who do, we only have a limited few spaces for girls so you will miss out.

Lovely I said, you'll have no trouble filling your spaces then! Then he launches into patter again............

I feel no contact info, so secret you cant even know who runs it, promises of cars and crazy money does not ring true.

I believe this is dodgy, if anyone knows it to be genuine then I apologise but I generally think what sounds too good to be true mostly is! Please decide for yourselves x

PS - Another girl has told me since I posted this on another site that she was called by same guy approx a year ago, agreed to it he then says that BB and Anal must be offered, you have to go to London for a 'trial', elocution lesons and personal shopping to get suitable clothes.........  While he was on the phone did emphasise huge amounts (?1000 + i think)for BB and Anal in his tier system of pay.  AVOID him I think, particularly new girls who may believe him.............
I know this is an elderly thread, but these lot are at it again and I'm sorry to say managed to actually get a girl I know down to London on the promise of earning ?1500 in an afternoon. She was asked to travel to Heathrow airport and meet one of their escorts there for an 'audition', but got scared and turned back on the way when the plans were constantly being changed around - there were two men phoning, one of whom is well-spoken and sounds like the 'Carl' Suzy mentioned, and also an Irish guy.

The idea apparently was that she would 'perform' with this 'escort' and then afterwards meet an 'agency representative' in the hotel lobby where she would be paid - I shudder to think what would have happened if she had gone through with it, and the whole thing has upset me a bit tbh. She is OK, but shaken up (fortunately all it cost her was the train fare in the end) and I don't have a number for them as they only called from withhelds - I can only imagine their patter is very good indeed and designed especially to target the vulnerable and naive.

To all new ladies (and old!), please don't fall for this - if they ring you, just tell them you are not interested and hang up. It sickens me that they are still clearly taking ladies in, but it must be working for them or they wouldn't still be doing it. >:(


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Re: Scam agency - Carl - well spoken
« Reply #5 on: 31 July 2011, 07:39:52 pm »
I know this is a very old thread but just wanted you all to know this lot is still around and up to their old nasty vile tricks but with a new twist!!  >:(Received this email today:

I am searching for a new ongoing mistress, who pleases a man professionally as my previous lady has returned to the US.  If you are able to send me a couple of suitable pictures then I can arrange an interview in my hotel, Claridges. My previous arrangement was 5000 per month plus expensive treats.
She worked hard to please me, can you?

With it being a really boring Sunday ;D, I decided to play along.  I emailed the gentleman back, saying my details are on the site and all my pics are there too- he's using an email address from gmail.  I say to him his idea of being a mistress sounds brilliant, I'm interested and he then answers with this:

My dear lady,
I would like to see you at my hotel at 8pm this evening.
My hotel is Claridges Mayfair.
The fee for the interview is ?500.
Are you fully shaved, if you are not you will need to be.
Expect to be with me for two hours.
Can you confirm you will be able to attend.

Now first red flag is the word interview - this lot have been around a long time now - he should know better than using terms like that!!!  So I email back and askk him for some more details and get this in response:

You will be meeting D*v*d H*rd.
I shall meet you in reception and then take you for a drink before your formal interview in my suite.
Are there any areas of sex you are uncomfortable with at all?
Have you any favourites? I must have full penetrative sex without a condom.
You will have to be shaved.
You will wear a short skirt and heels with your hair pinned on top of your head.
Can you confirm this is to your satisfaction? You will be handsomely rewarded if you are
particularly good.

I email him back after pissing myself laughing and tell him that he needs to answer my questions before I can consider meeting him, and get this stupid reply:

Should you wish to accept my financial offer the I shall require you to be dressed smartly and arrive at my hotel at 8.00pm.
You will be shaved
You will wear a pinned hairstyle
You will not wear underclothes
You will submit to all my sexual demands during your stay in my suite
You will never say the word no in my presence
You will welcome all of my sexual advances, others may join us
You will experience my seed spilling into you.
Should I enjoy the experience thenwe can repeat on Tuesday evening for the same payment.
Please confirm by email.

This bozo is crazy!! :P But it's good fun and I didn't know it was the same scammy outfit until  I decided to rack the fun up a bit!  I email him asking all my security questions and get this in response:

Young lady,
I am not used to having my instructions questioned or my integrity.
As a member of the Dubai ruling family I do not accept any calls however your intentions.
If you are not able to attend and meet my PA who will issue guidance then I shall select an alternative.
Kindest DH.

So I sent a reply saying I am really keen and the money is great but I need to talk to Mr. H*rd so I can feel comfortable - yup - two minutes pass by and my working mobile ring - this man is really patronizing in his speech and sounds as if he is acting in a posh play - his articulation is really precise but at the same time sounds false and forced, as if he knows he is acting a part.  He then goes on to say that he is Mr. H*rd's secretary and he is calling to confirm the interview at 8pm  - the funny thing is the number should up on my phone but it is not a UK number at all but a very strange one and can't figure out where it is from - it came up as +999-111-**00-999-999  - I've never seen a number like that in my life!!!  Anyway, this well spoken man says that many working girls are being interviewed and three girls have confirmed and I must confirm and if I do Mr. H*rd will generously offer me another 500 for my transport ::).  I'm secretly grinning  ;Das I know from this board (thank God for you ladies) that this fruitcake is a serious nutjob!  Anyway I finally got him off the mobile by telling him I've checked with Claridges and there is no Dubai royalty in the hotel and no Mr. H*rd either  and I know he uses the name Carl and has been trying to scam girls - he hung up real quick!!