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Author Topic: Irish Older client, attempted bareback. Hammersmith (London)  (Read 1632 times)


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Irish Older client, attempted bareback. Hammersmith (London)
« on: 01 September 2015, 02:36:16 pm »
Clients name is Eamon S****. His phone number is:  3538723331**

It is an international Irish number. Please PM for full details as i have all his details (Facebook/linkledn etc) 

 The client is Irish (white), He is quite old, I think he told me late 50's almost 60. He has a pot belly, Is quite short around 5'7.
He first contacted me back in February/March. He was flying in from ireland and he wanted an overnight. I only offer overnights to people I have previously met and he said okay he would spend 2 hours with me initially with he option to extend. This first booking went fine, he couldn't maintain an erection (said he might need a little help in the pill department), so we just kissed etc. He was/is extremely sweet and genuine!!!! I thought he was an excellent client.

After the first booking he kept calling me/ texting me repeatedly in the coming months. He asked if we could stay in touch because he had such a lovely time. Whenever he would call he would ask me repeatedly if I had a lovely time with him? He needed constant confirmation that I enjoyed his company and he tends to ramble on asking this same question again and again and telling me he had such a lovely time with me. He comes across as very sweet and genuine and a bit needy. He says he's not married

We agreed to meet up around the end of July. I would do an outcall to him to a hotel in hammersmith (as he said he often has business meetings there).
Our booking began fine. I think at the beginning of the booking he went took a pill enhancement to give him a hardon (as he was incapable of this when i first met him).
I  then left him on the bed and went to get a condom out of my bag (bear in mind i was stark naked at this point and I bent over so my bum was in the air) he came up behind me and attempted to push the head of his uncovered penis into my vagina. I moved away, so he didn't get anything more than the tip in and I pushed him away from me. He didn't say anything but  then tried to touch my waist but I pushed his hand away from me again. I didn't say anything because i thought me violently pushing him away was plain enough but as the booking wore on he would constantly try and rub his penis on me and say he "don't worry i'm not going to put it in" or rest his uncovered dick on my vagina. I had to cup my vagina the entire time or hold his dick away from me.
I constantly checked the condom was on and I wouldn't let him doggy me. When we went for the last round in the last hour i went to get a condom and he asked "is it okay if we go without." I told him no. but he wasn't able to stay hard so we just kissed some more and as soon as my time was up, I left.

He tried to ask me to stay and he would pay extra for the over night but i refused and he asked if maybe we could get a drink which again I refused.

He is a really sweet guy!!!! Please do not be fooled! He seems so legitimate and genuine especially because he's very old and you will really have your guard down. I'm kicking myself because the whole time I didn't speak up forcefully and just tried to weather it and this seemed encourage him.   

[Spaces removed from mobile number]

« Last Edit: 01 September 2015, 03:32:15 pm by amy »