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Author Topic: Gave 2hour money back but kept 20pounds  (Read 1741 times)


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Gave 2hour money back but kept 20pounds
« on: 23 March 2012, 02:32:11 pm »
Had a very pushy weird guy yesterday sounded strange on phone so told him try elsewhere anyway he said sorry so gave him a booking for 2 wanted 2hours asked for pvc ,silk , so told him I open door discreet but have pvc but no silk blouse texting very high heels and loads of make-up as he is 6ft8ins  so thought timewaster anyway he turned up very lanky with fags in hand looking weird came in full on tonques groping hand all over crotch,legs  so told him relax and please pay me so he handed over fee.... offered him drink and shower he refused both wanting to get in bedroom quick asked to see outfits which I had anyway freaked me out for some reason no shower so told him giving money back keeping 20quid for messing me around and gropping anyway  he wanted to stay but I just wanted rid felt better after he was gone his number ends 3333 comes from Preston just to pushy ...
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