Booked for 30 minutes and as soon as he was in my apartment I knew there was something off about him, he hugged me extremely tight for ages and I felt awkward and a little afraid. Looking back I should have pushed him away to show I wouldn’t put up with that. During sex he kept slamming into me hard, I’d tell him to stop and he would apologise then do it again, by now I felt too uncomfortable and scared to stop the booking and ask him to leave, he was really quiet and intense. He slammed into me hard enough it popped the condom, which looking back might of been his aim all along. I suggested me going on top to try take more control of the situation but he would still slam hard upwards. Even during oral he kept holding my head hard while again slamming into my mouth.
While apologising he tried to act charming but came across creepy, he asked how I liked it, I’d say slow and and gentle and he would start of that way then pound away when I wasn’t expecting it.
While he was dressing to leave he actually admitted to me that he had tried to book me earlier on another number but I had blocked it when seeing he had a couple of bad reports, he was smug while telling me this, probably felt he got one over on me.
In my 3 years doing this job I’ve never felt more scared, uncomfortable and unsafe. I was unable to work the rest of the day as I was too sore. He’s definitely one to avoid.
He’s Asian, late 20’s early 30’s try’s to pass himself off as Italian, said he was coming from Manchester to see me, he’s in good shape and one of his what’s app pic is a close up of his face wearing sunglasses with a yellow tint to the picture, his second number has no what’s app pic
About an hour after the booking he txts to ask was it ok or would I be deleting him with a wink face.
075128612** first number he used that I blocked
073992273** second number he uses
He also knows about the reports against him on his first number, he mentioned them when he was telling me he knew I’d blocked him because of them.