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Author Topic: flat scam  (Read 5472 times)


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flat scam
« on: 05 November 2009, 05:19:22 pm »
Just wanted to let everyone know looking for a flat that there is a big scam going on, 3 times they tried it on me,they will show you a  picture of a really nice flat for an incredible cheap price . You will ask them that you want to have a look at it and they let you know that they are in a different city or abroad and don't have any time to waste and ask you to transfer money to a third person via Western Union or other company, so please don't fall :'( for this trap, still looking for flat so myself xxxlol  >:(


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Re: flat scam
« Reply #1 on: 05 November 2009, 05:56:15 pm »
So sorry to hear that you are having such trouble with scammers.  The kind of scenario you describe is particularly rife on Gumtree.  There are some good private landlords on there but they are overshadowed by those trying to con you.

When you are looking for properties it might be better to deal with reputable property agents even if it means paying a fee as you are far less likely to get scammed for your deposit.  There are a few useful sites like, www.FindaProperty.come ,,, etc.  It is easier to search on those kind of sites as you can specify your budget, property type and location.  That is how I found a great place. 


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Re: flat scam
« Reply #2 on: 05 November 2009, 06:02:26 pm »
I've heard of this. It was on my local news. They try and do this with young people, particularly students who are say, moving to London for the first time and are quite naive as to how the property market works. Many have fallen for it and have lost hundreds of pounds. And they always insist you use WU so you have no recourse when your money's gone.


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Re: flat scam
« Reply #3 on: 05 November 2009, 10:54:34 pm »
I've had personal experience of this.

I was looking on Gumtree earlier in the year and contacted a few people with places advertised on there. About an hour after I'd sent the initial enquiries I recieved a response from 2 seemilngly non associated people. One of the people said he was a missionary currently working in Africa, and I would have to pay a deposit before I'd viewed the flat. The second said he was a missionary somewhere else - but I'd also have to pay deposit before I could view. Deposit payable through Western Union.

I checked the IP of both senders and they were the same. I'm not naive enough to fall for that crap anyway but people who don't know how our letting system work may well have been. These people make out they're doing 'Gods Work helping poor people' to encourage you to trust them.
I replied to both emails, cc-ing the other into each email and had a good old rant. These people make me sick, scamming some unsuspecting person out of hard earned cash.
Be very careful,
Love Alex x


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Re: flat scam
« Reply #4 on: 05 November 2009, 11:55:00 pm »
Had the same when looking for a flat in Ireland, it is a variation on the Nigerian scam. They are getting crafty, and will adapt it to the demographic.

Anika Mae

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Re: flat scam
« Reply #5 on: 06 November 2009, 01:44:14 am »
Yeah, I've noticed a few of those while I've been looking.

The one that worries me more is less common, but people sometimes rent a flat and then pretend to be the landlord, offering it to prospective tenants at a price that reels lots of people in and the running off with everyone's deposits.


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Re: flat scam
« Reply #6 on: 06 November 2009, 09:12:10 am »
Thanks Honey for your help lol ;)