Update on this situation..... Well i got my ?700 back earlier today, Paul was a regular for around 2 years, and i had never had any problems with him before, in fact he seemed nice and genuine he would've been the last person i had thought would ever do this, the fact he was drunk and the opportunity was there, obviously the temptation must have been too much.
Anyway the reason i managed to get the money back was because over the 2 years i saw him he gave lots of information about himself away, he comes from an area where i have friends, so on the off chance i called my mate, told her what had happened and described him, she said it sounded like ****** husband & that his wife is on her facebook, i went on facebook checked the wife out & there was a pic of her and HIM together BINGO! So i emailed him from my facebook account saying he's been caught and i now know who his wife is.... Loved to have been a fly on the wall when he saw my facebook message. He was pannicking and said i'll bring the money bk don't email my wife etc etc
Just be careful ladies, he's an opportunist, he's fat, bald and has a very small cock, comes across very pleasant and genuine, he has closed down fourfour2 aw account but i suspect he will create a new one. Thank god i got my money back.