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Author Topic: Family Request In Memory of Susan died 27.02.05  (Read 4126 times)


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Family Request In Memory of Susan died 27.02.05
« on: 27 February 2009, 06:12:17 pm »
The bereaved family of Susan has asked if I could inform all ladies that the man who murdered their daughter was released from prison today on the very anniversary of her death.
The family would like you to know that she worked the streets of Aberdeen charging 25 quid for her time. She was 21yrs and had a heroin addiction. She did not provide A levels but the family believed her service was bareback. Susan was picked up by Joseph Harrison in his car, he was filmed on cctv at the bank withdrawing money. The family insisted she would always make sure the financial transaction happened before the service was offered. Shortly after this their was a disagreement and Susan was strangled to death. Her body placed in the boot of his car. At a later point forensics identified that after her death the body was removed from the boot of Joseph Harrison's car and placed over the bonnet. Joseph Harrison had anal sex with Susan and fluids and abrasion's were found to prove this.
Joseph Harrison received a reduced sentence from Murder to Culpable Homicide and was given a 6yr sentence. Today Joseph Harrison was released after serving 4yrs and on the anniversary of Susan's death.
So in memory of Susan and to serve as a reminder of the importance of safety the family wanted to share their pain today with an industry that would understand their anxieties, loss, and anger.

The family has spent the last few sleepless nights going over transcripts of this case (as above) and grieving for Susan. They are also very upset at the untimely release of Susans killer today.
R.I.P Susan


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Re: Family Request In Memory of Susan died 27.02.05
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2009, 09:31:57 pm »
On the anniversary of her death?!

Makes a mockery of the justice system

RIP Susan


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Re: Family Request In Memory of Susan died 27.02.05
« Reply #2 on: 28 February 2009, 05:42:18 pm »
How very very sad.

It seems his crime was 'reduced' from murder to calpable homicide (hence the lighter sentence) as he was found to be suffering from dimished responsibility. He had a history of alcohol and drug abuse.

There is a little comfort in the fact that he appears to be on licence for the next five years but I doubt that helps Susan's family very much.

As Ricardo said, RIP Susan.