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Author Topic: extreme bdsm possibly dangerous  (Read 11482 times)


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extreme bdsm possibly dangerous
« on: 11 December 2011, 07:17:00 am »
about a week ago I met this bloke in Richmond-andy,pm me for his be fair he is PROBABLY ok as he did stick to the safeword thing most of the time but he wanted to do something he never mentioned in his e-mails involving a noose-he said one end would be round my neck,and it would be wrapped round the banisters and the other would be in my hand but I was blindfolded so there was no way to tell if the end he would put in my hand was the same rope and my hands would have been tied up anyway,so I couldn't have done much to escape if anything went wrong,plus I'd have been gagged...i just find it odd that he'd expect a woman who'd never met him before to do that...I didn't btw but he did try quite hard to pursuade me-another thing that creeped me out was he had all the toys and whips and the money laid out on the bed when I arrived-but there was no sign of this noose-half way through the booking he told me I've got a suprise for you in the next room and explained about the noose-he sounded like a bloody serial killer the way he was talking and I was terrified tbh.He also kept talking about strangling me and cutting my clit off-I think he has a bit of a death fasination and when I first got there he had scissors to cut my clothes off-I safeworded just to test him and he did lower the scissors but then he kept bloody brushing them against my throat and chest when he obviously knew I didn't like them-and today he sent me a message asking if we could meet again but no safewords this time-he kept talking about that bloody noose and when I asked him if one end would be in my hand still (just to see what he'd say) he said if you like-wtf?! so he maybe wants to do it without giving the girl the end of the rope then!I think he probably wouldn't actually kill someone but who knows if he'll get carried away one day and maybe he's just acting respectable(listening to safewords stuff out on the bed ect) just to get someone to trust him and let him hang them-you never know!


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Re: extreme bdsm possibly dangerous
« Reply #1 on: 11 December 2011, 11:54:23 am »
Again Meee, can you please post the mobile number here with no spaces and the last two digits censored as described in the Rules for Posting Warnings thread.


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Re: extreme bdsm possibly dangerous
« Reply #2 on: 11 December 2011, 01:36:01 pm »
It would be helpful to have a physical description of this man as well as I'm sure a few WG's may have clients that are named Andy that live in Richmond - thanks.


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Re: extreme bdsm possibly dangerous
« Reply #3 on: 12 December 2011, 10:21:39 pm »
yep-sorry,his mobile number is 078125143** and he is a little chubby with ginger hair and a beard,he is probably aged 25-30 and I think he is about 5'9''