I can categorically state that CdM is operated solely by Daisy Nectar and no one else.
Sara, maybe an apology and retraction of your assertion is in order to Daisy Nectar for your unfounded assumption. I know you?re very upset and out for total annihilation of certain people, but making accusations that have no grounding in truth is just slanderous.
You assumed that once you were banned on CdM it had to be a certain person because of their action, this is wrong, as Daisy pointed out, you were banned for multiple posts within a short time frame which is considered spam at CdM.
If you know Holly, than you know that her reputation precedes her in our industry. She has done more for the escort industry than you can perhaps believe.
Mr Carter
If you look a bit more carefully, Mr Carter, you will see that Sara's membership is no longer active, so she will not be able to make any further posts regarding the subject. I think most of us would be grateful if the other participants would take this as a desirable course of action to follow, and let it die, PLEASE.
Incidentally, as you may not be aware, this is a UK based site and from what I can gather none of us have ever heard of Holly or her doubtless glowing achievements for the escort industry

so as far as I am concerned your big-up statement is completely irrelevant. I have, however, read her website; I realise it must be annoying to have to pretend you are not really a prostitute for fear of being bothered by the law, but there is surely a limit to how much you ought to believe your own hype?
Having seen the CdM website and forum referred to (including the links to some well known scammers which have already been discussed at length on here), frankly I am far more inclined to believe the recently departed Sara than any ridiculous flannel which the CdM posse have concocted to try and make the public believe there is a thriving straight male escort market, in the UK or anywhere else. Are you all planning to join here now? Well you're nothing if not predictable, I suppose.