SAAFE forum

General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: firsttimer on 25 March 2015, 02:22:15 pm

Title: Edinburgh Gang Rape
Post by: firsttimer on 25 March 2015, 02:22:15 pm
Please bare with me as I am still receiving details on this- it's a civvy friend of mine and this is what I have received on Facebook. Awaiting reply if there is police involvement but will update.

"Hi Just thought I'd let you know there is a car wash garage located at Salamander Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH6 7JZ. They call them *(please PM me for details)* car wash. If you know people that work that area warn them that my twin sister was gang raped by at least 6 guys a few nights ago at there work HQ. Keep away from that place and tell other girls you may know to keep clear. You take care x"

I got this only a few minutes ago, so as I said I don't know if the police know, but my reply to him encouraged her to do so.

Title: Re: Edinburgh Gang Rape
Post by: firsttimer on 25 March 2015, 02:37:07 pm
Update: It has been reported to the police and suspects are out on bail. Fuckers. :FF
Title: Re: Edinburgh Gang Rape
Post by: Reconnect counselling on 25 March 2015, 08:01:35 pm
Omg that is horrendous! Could you please PM me the details as i know people who live near there!  :'( :'( :'(

Today is a bad day!  :'( i cannot believe they are out on bail!!! Totally fucked!  :FF