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Author Topic: Drunken Did a Runner Guy - Perth Scotland  (Read 1278 times)


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Drunken Did a Runner Guy - Perth Scotland
« on: 25 August 2015, 09:59:14 pm »

30-something guy, Ginger Geek Nerd look about him, goes by the name of Duncan (or drunken duncan) since he necked a whole bottle of wine in 10 mins before I arrived.

I had a 2 hour outcall to meet him at a hotel in Perth, got my money upfront obviously, and then spent the next hour trying to get on with it, and him trying not to.

In the end he wanted to take me to a french restaurant, declared it 30 times, and asked me if I wanted to that point I thought anything to get away from this (I know you will all say should have ended the booking, but I had travelled an hour to get there, and needed the money!) so eventually got him out to the restaurant, more a wine bar kinda place with food.  I tried to stop him drinking, he wanted champagne, I just ordered decent wine (thank christ!) he went for steak/onion rings, i ordered much cheaper.........then i spent the next 1.5 hours watching him devour food caveman like, onion rings hanging out of his mouth for 5 mins, trying to have a conversation with him and avoid him knocking everything over, whilst he kept trying to feed me and missing, or demanding kisses across the table.......hard bloody work.

He went to the toilet, and then I kept trying to get someones attention to get the bill but they were busy, so I went to the toilet, and YES, you guessed it, he did a I was left with the ?80 bill.

He apologised profusely via text the next day, said he wasn't used to drinking etc. etc.

He thought he must of gone out for a cig and lost the plot.  Weird how he found his hotel though eh?!!

He promised he transferred the ?80 to my bank account, and could he see me again.  (YEAH RIGHT!)

I checked my bank - zilch, nada, nothing!

When I said I will post online to other girls about him, he suddenly said "oh you sent the wrong bank details".....I didn't!

But it seemed to annoy him, I don't really understand what he was up to, he wanted me to go back to his hotel with him after, but as the meal wore on I thought, no way, I think despite his drunkenness, he was definitely trying to get something for nothing.

Said he was in Perth to meet someone about buying wood, as he's a woodman of some sort, but he lied (or changed his mind) about his marital status/his job throughout our time together.  He went from tree-surgeon/logman/woodcutter/woodworker and married/never married just living together 6 years/totally single/alone/no-one.

Is from the HILLS near Dunblane, makes out his family is wealthy, private school, travelled all over, but essentially was a ginger nerd geek with glasses, jeans, hoody and backpack.

I know, my fault for going to the toilet, but just in case anyone else ever meets him.

As it turned out, I had a great evening after, met some guys who bought me drinks all night, paid me into a club, came out of club and bumped into ex-client who (for a small sum, but better than nothing) took me home and drove me home in the morning.  (Thus avoiding ?50 taxi fare!)


[mobile number edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 26 August 2015, 07:01:56 pm by amy »