SAAFE forum

General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: candychang on 01 May 2015, 12:12:03 am

Title: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: candychang on 01 May 2015, 12:12:03 am
This guy goes by the name of: Omar message me if you want the number.

Today in the birmingam area we had a client he bargained with us at first (2 girl) 2 hours for ?300, he was a bit drunk but he was in a jolly mood and there was two of us so we just accepted the booking our of naivety.

We have fun, do our thing then he says he wants to stay over night, we explain he can't and he started to get a bit annoyed, the sex was horrible imagine Ali G and lots of tounge, and he was very rough with us. He did leave when it was time to go, but then a few minutes later he kept knocking at the door saying we robbed him and demanded we posted the money through the letter box. After 20 minutes he was threatening us and the police had to be called.

Be aware of this guy he's pakistani, tall, normal build says he drives lots of nice cars and asks for a 'party'
Title: Re: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: amy on 01 May 2015, 08:17:53 am
Candy, can you please post the mobile number here with no spaces and the last two digits censored as shown in the posting rules, so that people can search for it? Not everybody who checks this section is a registered member with access to the PM system :).
Title: Re: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: BJC on 01 May 2015, 09:10:00 am
What area was this? The Ali G description and asking for a "party" sounds familiar x
Title: Re: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: candychang on 01 May 2015, 10:05:46 am
Ok thanks Amy will do, bjc it was birmingham City centre x
Title: Re: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: losthope on 12 June 2015, 02:10:49 pm
This sounds like a guy who came to me yesterday, 35 mins late chose 30 min booking and expected more than I offer, got shown the door within 2 minutes, if he had knocked the door I think he knew he would have had my Stilletto in his face. I'm not tolerant to these type of wannabe gangsters anymore, they really get my goat
Title: Re: Drugged up/ drunk Asian client
Post by: alia on 24 July 2015, 02:41:53 pm
Could somebody pm his phone number if possible. Thank you x