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Author Topic: Violent attacker in Derbyshire, tall & tattooed  (Read 1626 times)


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Violent attacker in Derbyshire, tall & tattooed
« on: 24 September 2012, 12:19:04 pm »
Further to my post last week about the fellow WG in Derbyshire who has had some terrible experiences with one particular punter here is as much of a description I can provide about him. Be warned local girls in case he gets in touch. The police have the two numbers that he has used so far along with his description and are trying to find him.

No name provided, he is about 6'1"-6'2" high, always wears a baseball cap, short brown hair, tattoos down both arms and has 2 gold front teeth.

He made a booking, turned up and said that she wasn't his type then left only to contact her again to arrange to come back. When he came back he was physically violent and forced himself on the other girl before walking out without paying.

Sent nasty threatening texts before changing his number and making another booking in which again he forced himself into the flat, was physically violent and again raped her.

Since then he has continued with the threatening messages and has appeared at her door demanding she see him.

The two numbers used so far are 075810753** and 078825286** please PM for the full numbers.