His name is steven. 5'6, shaved in red hair, med build wears grey joggies, black trainer type with white rim. designer waterproof jacket. 075320369** shows up says he's never done this before, saying he just wants to chat a moment.. i said thats fine but are you still ok to go ahead with the booking.. he the says shouldnt have to pay to chat to someone when he can get it for free, why have sex with someone when he can get it lots for free.. this is when i said i want you to leave.. he came as he met me from Real life over a year ago.. he said he wanted to talk to me and is on adult work.. but wouldnt tell me his name on there.. basically went off on a tangent saying that esorts are minted and shouldnt have to pay as we earn more than he does..
he then pressed his body on mine when i had the door open, i said get off and dont even think about it.. he then left saying.. aye this is not for me..
incase he tries this again with other girls and not just me.. please please take note of his number.. this guy is potentially dangerous, PM me please.
p.s - hes from giffnock but came to my home in renfrewshire