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Author Topic: Dodgy room ad: AW 'Room in Birmingham'/User ID 2915648  (Read 1503 times)


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Dodgy room ad: AW 'Room in Birmingham'/User ID 2915648
« on: 23 April 2015, 08:44:40 pm »
Posted on behalf of another member who wishes to remain anonymous:

[Our member] made arrangements with the owner of the place - 'Joanne'
on route was told that i would be meant by 'someone', as she couldn't be there to let me in and collect money - as she was on a job.
was met by a guy called Jason - who I was told by when Joanne got back, was her partner and would be around for the duration of my stay.
This made things very awkward and uncomfortable,  to the point where i felt i had to just sit in the room all day, as I wasn't given a key, and I had to let them know first if I wanted to leave! as the door had to be locked behind me.

I was told the door to the living room had to be left open, which caused issues, as when my clients came in they could often hear, and even sometimes saw that Jason was sitting in the corner, which wasn't ideal!

on the morning of the 4th day of a 10 day tour - i was told by Jason, who seem to be always around! -  that i had an hr to leave, as Joanne was 'bringing her mum back from the hospital!, and couldn't have anyone around. I just knew then and there that was a flat out lie!
was told by Jason that they would transfer the amount for the remaining days left back to my account. I asked to be paid back in cash, as that's what i paid them in, and was given every excuse by Jason why this wasn't possible.
and at this point i just had enough, and wanted out, and not to be around him!
was told that the money would be in my account by the end of the day.
But after contacting Joanne - since no response -  and no money transferred!

The member was also told that the previous WG
'was made' to cut her tour short, after paying upfront for a month!  but that she was 'foreigner' so it was ok, and now only deal with the English. i thought she meant the girl left early to go back to her country -
but now thinking I'm sure they pulled a fast one on her 2!

The room is in the Erdington B24 area of Birmingham and was also advertised on here by 'summer65', although 'she' has popped on this afternoon and deleted the account. The ad has been taken down but we still have it if anybody wants the contact number :).


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Re: Dodgy room ad: AW 'Room in Birmingham'/User ID 2915648
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2015, 09:45:55 pm »
I had an email from that account two days ago offering the place out.
They're quite illiterate and when I asked questions about location and if anyone would be there whilst I am taking bookings I got really rude responses and was told they are already busy with lots of touring WGs booking them and they don't need my "shitty money" those were the exact words.

Honestly didn't think anything of it and just deleted the email thinking I had asked too many questions, quite obvious why they were so hostile now! X