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Author Topic: Threatening Texts - Heathrow area  (Read 1095 times)

Jenny 2

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Threatening Texts - Heathrow area
« on: 11 June 2013, 03:36:40 pm »
I got a phone call from this young guy last week. 

It sounded from the offset like a young guy just being silly (could hear what sounded like laughter in the background) and his question was 'Is that the Escort services?  I want a nice sexy brunette for my birthday party'. 

I immediately said I could not help and put the phone down. 

After that I got a numerous bunch of texts, calling me all manner of names. 

Today he sent me a text saying 'You dirty slag I'm gonna kill your mum'. 

Upon receiving this I rang and he did not pick up.  He then texted me the following:

'Don't ring me you dirty slag, she's dead'

'You heard dead'

'Unless you put a 2grand in my bank I will kill her'

'You commit crime everyday'

When I texted him to say I am going to take his threats seriously and report him to the police for threatening me with murder and blackmail I got this :

'OK do it it was not me, so go on, my phone gets used by everyone in this town with young sons who hate people like you'


I am based in the Heathrow area but that doesn't mean he is local as my gut feeling initially was that it was just a silly timewasting phonecall so I guess he could be anywhere. 

Since my last text to him saying I would most definitely take his threats seriously and report him, he has in fact shut up, so I would hope it's just a stupid kid playing stupid games.