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Author Topic: Dodgy client in central London  (Read 1363 times)


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Dodgy client in central London
« on: 30 March 2012, 02:45:07 am »
He contacted me through AW. When he turned up and saw him, I was a little bit hesitant about opening the door (My profile states that I don't meet Black guys. But, when someone says he's black and he seems polite, I meet him, but he did not mention that) When I opened the door, he was acting strange, looking around. Sat on the sofa and started asking me questions what services I offered! I have told him that he should have checked the listed services before making a booking to an escort. When I asked him to pay, he started asking lots of questions, like whether I was a clockwatcher, my bra size, etc.. He was clearly wasting my time. I asked him to leave immediately, but he did not want to get up. I threatened him to press my panic button and call the security. He jumped up and blamed me for being a racist and rude. I started explaining that I am no way a racist and the reason for his leaving was his attitude, however he kept on talking. Then he threatened me by leaving a negative feedback.
This client seems very dodgy and I would not advise taking bookings from him.
He said his name is Andre. He's black, about 5''9. he was having rucksack with him. His number is 074008000**    PM me for full number