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Author Topic: Dangerous robbery and assault Glasgow and attempted robbery Edinburgh Jan 16  (Read 2063 times)


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hello, i have just found out about this forum, a great idea, i have already reported these events to UKNSWP but they have really shaken me up, especially the large quantity of them in such a short period and if it stops one working girl from encountering these people then its a success.

i went on my first tour this january up to edinburgh and glasgow

GLASGOW 10.30pm to 10.45pm friday 15th january at a hotel (i had booked the hotel and was offering in calls) near the bbc building in glasgow city centre
079516735** called himself John, Client Booked an hour via text, my number was listed on adultwork that day so he didnt have an aw account i am aware of, polite and civil upon booking, asked if he coukd shower when he got here, i agreed, when he arrived to my hotel room he had come straight from work and smelled a bit so i politely asked him to shower, he then refused and kept telling me "in a minute just suck my cock first, give me a kiss first" we had agreed ?160 to an hour booking, upon arrival he offered me ?290 for more time, i accepted for 2 hours, he tried to kiss me but i asked politley if we could first sort out money, he hands it to me and i count it but he doesnt let me go to put it somewhere safe so i have to leave it on bedside table,

He then tells me to take off my heels and get naked, and to suck his cock, he tries to finger me and i keep telling him no unless he washes his hands, he really doesnt want to go to the bathroom and leave me alone in the room so he refuses to wash his hands, he then insisted on turning out all the lights which i didnt understand and he said "they were blinding" him. He turns some of them out and while he is standing over the bed he pins me down and forces me to give him a blow job so i am lying on my back, i realise now he is going to try and take the money which is on the side so i try to gently hold his arm to stop his hand grabbing the money, then he pulls his hand away and takes the money, i try to get up but he uses his hands and weight to pin me down and forces me to still suck his cock, after about 20 seconds i manage to writhe away and overpower him and i look and see the money is gone, i shout at him "why have you taken the money? Please give it back right now!"
He replies "what are you talking about you stupid fucking bitch, its my fucking money" i quickly get up and go to his side and see his arm behind his back with the money in his hand gripping it really tightly, i grab his hand and try and get the money and plead with him at this point, he then grabs my arm and twists it round giving me a chinese burn and hits me, so i start screaming really loudly over and over, he panicks and it makes him let go of the money, i snatch it and while shouting at him to keep back from me or ill scream, i divide the money and keep ?120, and give him back the rest and tell him to get out now (this has happened before to me and my thinking was if i let him have all the money ill feel even worse, if i kept all ?290 he would probably not have left as easily and tried to fight me for it) i then started screaming again because he started shouting at me telling me to give him back his money or at least suck him off and finish him and he tried to twist my arm again, i scream so loud that doors start to slam nearby so he looks worried and grabs his coat and i manage to push him out the door and slam it before he can try and take the ?120 off me, he then heads of very quickly to the emergency staircase and walks down that, i phone my mum afterwards and when i have put the phone down, he then keeps calling me and i have to keep declining the calls before blocking his mobile number. please be careful he is dangerous!! he hit me and left me with a hand sized bruise on my upper thigh, and a burn on my inner left arm with raw skin. his description is:
Wearing blue striped shirt
short haul (9 to 5)Lorry driver
Mid to late thirties, 5"8 height
Tattoo on right inner elbow of a heart with womans name in the middle
Not much hair
Wedding ring
Blue eyes
Scottish stocky male
Black berghaus coat
Worker boots
smelly and unwashed
big cold sore on bow of upper lip

EDINBURGH, old town, my working incall flat 4.30pm, monday 11th january
077108047** this is an iPhone number and we spoke with iMessage so theres good hope he still has the same number, this guy called me to arrange a meet for the day before, but he just never turned up. this really annoyed me but then, on monday, i have another time waster let me down and cancel, so I'm sitting here and this original time waster guy texts me and tells me he is outside me flat (i gave him my address for the day before when he failed to turn up) i thought it was very strange that he would turn up to a WG's flat without an appointment and just be hovering, but as I'm in a bad mood from being let down just minutes before i agree to see him, then all goes quiet and his phone is off, which if that isn't irritating enough, 10 minutes later he begins calling me again and bombarding me, so he presses the buzzer and comes down to the flat, i let him in and he is described as
about 5"7
small, slight build, tatty black hoodie, covered in white paint and black trousers that are also covered in paint, dirty working boots, looks like a typical painter/decorator, blue eyes and pale complexion, no facial hair, i didn't see his hair as he was wearing a black beanie hat. i greet him at the door and he's not very talkative, comes in and seems nervous, i ask if he wants a drink, he asks for water and i walk to the sink to get him some, this flat is tiny and he walks to the bedroom and then about 4 seconds later i come in with water to see him at the front door, about to leave, he tells me 'actually I'm just going to go'
my stomach drops and by sheer adrenalin i grab him before he runs off and ask him whats he's up to
he then pulls out my purse from his hoodie pocket and says 'I'm just going to take your purse, only kidding, here take it back, I'm only kidding!!'
i get so angry that i start shouting at him to give me back anything he has taken from me and he continues to say he only had my purse, I'm shouting at this stage and so fuming that i rip his hoodie pocket off entirely in my attempt to search all his pockets and restrict him from leaving the door, i then threw the water in his face and screamed really loudly as he left the flat and run off, the moron even turned around at the end of the corridor and apologised and said he was only joking. what a freak, i immediately searched my flat and to this day i don't think anything else was taken, all my money and cards were in the purse, i don't think he had the time to take anything else, my handbag had been in the corner and he had clearly gone straight for it, luckily i don't keep my money in my purse anyway but i reported this straight to the police
they didn't handle it very well though, they knew of him already (they didn't tell me what for but apparently he isn't known for robbing escorts) and the police admitted to me this would be a very low priority case and  nothing might come of it. this scottish policing attitude is what made me decide to not report the other crimes. after the police left the morning after, i went out to lunch and when i returned this guy was hanging outside the communal door to my flat, fiddling with a bike lock that was attached to the wall, why else would he be there except waiting for someone to go through the door and unlock it so he could slip in? i get really scared and just try to ignore him and let myself in the flat, he is wearing the same clothes and the same beanie hat and is about 4 feet from me, when i open the door i make sure to push it shut so it locks again, and i wait really quietly in the lobby, and sure enough, a couple of seconds after i entered, he starts pushing on the door trying to see if he can make entry, then through the side window in the lobby which looks out onto the street i can see him run off before coming to a very fast walking pace at the end of the street and turning a corner. i called the police and told them and 8 hours later they sent two different officers round who asked me whether i was sure it was the same guy and whether i was just paranoid, and that they couldn't just arrest a man for hanging around on a street as 'in scotland you are innocent until proven guilty'
i don't believe this guy has an adult work account, all our conversation was via text and phone

now after doing my research and hindsight, i was a target because i was touring alone, also perhaps because of being 21 they thought i would be an easy victim, my mistake was not enforcing the adult work booking system and having my mobile number listed on my profile that week to help increase work, at home i would never dream of listing my mobile number or seeing a man who doesn't have an adultwrok account with feedback, but I've paid the price and I've learned my lesson and hopefully i can teach someone else without them actually having to experience it for themselves.

[Title edited to remove all caps]
« Last Edit: 21 January 2016, 02:51:50 pm by amy »


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Mia, could you possibly copy and paste the second incident into a separate thread?

It isn't so much that extremely long posts are hard to read, but more that different warnings need to be kept apart so that if anybody has seen either of these punters they can add to the threads without it getting confusing :).


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I've seen this guy today, so annoying! Same as you, he wasn't feeling well and asking for water. Hopefully I was with my friend, so he left the flat instantly. Then He's tried to call me a few times and asked me to come back...
I did not reply, so he start to ring to my door.

From there, I've sent him a text and told him that I was busy, and he did apologies!

Hopefully, He will not come back later this week!