I am posting to encourage ladies to come forward about a man who is prolific for stalking and harassing escorts in the centre of Birmingham.
I have personally been on the receiving end of his harassment since 2021, after blacklisting the client for showing signs of obsession towards me. This includes vile emails, text messages, finding my social media and trying to dox me and extremely defamatory posts about me online. He even found my personal number (I literally have no idea how) and sent me abuse via text calling me a whore and by my first and last name.
[removed: please only post first hand warnings here]
Appearance wise, he is not overly tall, overweight and from the Birmingham area. He is of Indian descent and has a light complexion. Sometimes wears glasses. I have pictures of him.
I don’t have a recent phone number because he constantly changes them, I personally have about 15 different numbers I have sent to the police so far.
I am urging if anyone has experienced harassment from this man or this sounds familiar, to come forward and report to the police. His behaviour is getting increasingly worse and I am fearful he will end up hurting someone.