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Author Topic: Dangerous Refused To Leave, Suffolk /Cambridgeshire  (Read 1828 times)


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Dangerous Refused To Leave, Suffolk /Cambridgeshire
« on: 18 November 2021, 04:34:10 pm »
I had a terrifying encounter this morning with a client.
Name: Harry
Age: Mid 20's
Ethnicity: One quarter black at best guess
Tight black curly hair cropped in and about 5'9'' wearing cargo pants and a hoodie with a black man bag over his shoulder.
Number: 074174067**

As soon as he came in I could smell drugs on him. He started exhibiting paranoid behaviour as soon as he saw my French Windows and verandah saying people could see him and refused to pay unless we went to the bedroom. (I overlook a car park from a high floor so he was talking rubbish!)
I explained, no, he had to pay first. He went into the bathroom and refused to come out into the lounge.
I knew something was badly off so I told him he was leaving, grabbed his jacket and threw it out the door.
He refused to leave, arguing that he had travelled to see me  and he wasn't on drugs. He would not go. I tried to get him out the door and then he wedged it from the outside refusing to let me close it, trying to force my fee through the door and waving it, before he forced his way back in to 'check if he had left anything on the table.'
He then left, complaining all the while and then called me constantly. I answered and told him to go away and that
he was not welcome.
It was my last day on tour and I was really shaken up so I left early.
I've never had an incident like this happen in my 8 years of doing this job.
I should have refused to see him. He had a kind of 'street' accent but comms were all good.
I don't know if this is someone who I should report to NUM?

I will be happy to share this number with ladies who DM me.
I was in Suffolk in a rural location and he travelled a half hour from Cambs near A11.
He said he came by taxi and it cost him £100 by taxi. It wasn't that far. Also, if I'd known about him coming by taxi I would have refused to see him as he originally said he was driving.

He was definitely on drugs.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2021, 04:36:54 pm by KBP »


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Re: Dangerous Refused To Leave, Suffolk /Cambridgeshire
« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2021, 03:06:55 pm »
He has now been reported to Ugly Mugs and the police.
Stay safe, ladies.