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Author Topic: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.  (Read 6867 times)


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Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« on: 31 August 2008, 11:11:29 pm »
I copied and pasted this post from another site. Although this warning is linked from one of the forums we feed into, it's old, but it seems this guy is on the prowl again. So pleas ladies, beware:

Hi Ladies
I don't know if I'm putting this in the right place but I'd like to tell you about a phone call I just had.
It was off a guy who called himself Benjamin and he wanted a booking where he could give me a massage with scented oils. And he wanted to know if I'd heard of scented sheets- he told me it was the new craze in America. Then he got careless and started telling me what he wanted to do to me when I was drowsy and started slurring my words! Turns out he planned to lace the "scented sheets" with ether and do various things that I clearly stated that I don't do (so he thought it would be tight!).
He rang back after I'd hung up to see if I would reconsider, then he said he'd made a big mistake by taking me into his confidence so much.
Now he may just have been getting off on the thought of it, or he may well be a very dangerous man.
I know I can't put his whole number on here but it ends 858. Feel free to contact me it you have any suspicions.



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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #1 on: 01 September 2008, 05:13:53 pm »
Yeah he called me about 6wks ago for a booking in Manc...telling me how large he was and how he liked it to be tight. How he would be getting these scented sheets that he got as a perk for working marketing for Ann Summers or something like that. Wanted me to choose the massage oil he would be using on me as he felt that it was important that I enjoyed it....blah blah blah for 16mins untill I got fed up and made my excuses.


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #2 on: 16 October 2008, 03:58:33 pm »
I have just had a call from a guy who wanted to book me for 2 hours at the Holiday Express in Bristol town centre.  Said his name was Anthony and wanted to use scented sheets he got from ann summers. 

I turned him down.


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #3 on: 19 October 2008, 01:36:49 am »
Hi Girls
Can i ask , does this man have an accent ? i think he may have contacted me too , even if it wasnt the same guy he seemed strange ........
thanks ,

cleo xx


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #4 on: 20 October 2008, 10:53:34 pm »
if its the same guy all the time then yes he does have an accent.  i couldnt work out where from, it might have been indian but his english was very good so it wasnt a strong accent.

Called himself anthony w****rs.  I dont think im supposed to put his whole name here.


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #5 on: 29 October 2008, 04:51:26 pm »
Hi Lexie,
Sorry I wasn't around to answer your pm when you wrote to me. I was on holiday till Sunday. Still catching up on everything now.
But you did the right thing by posting your warning here. This guy's obviously up to his old tricks, and I'm wondering if he contacted you because he knew you were new. In which case new ladies need to be warned.


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #6 on: 26 November 2008, 10:04:26 am »
I got a phone call from another escort yesterday who told me that he called her talking about scented pillows. He had called me on Monday but I missed it as I was on the phone making another booking.
But he's still lurking around ladies, so please beware.


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #7 on: 26 November 2008, 02:14:23 pm »
Hi Brandy!  Yes, I had the same one call me again.   :'(

Full number can be found on my blog Ladies....

« Last Edit: 26 November 2008, 05:32:52 pm by brandy@saafe »


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #8 on: 26 November 2008, 05:38:19 pm »
Hi Hannah.
Thanks for the warning. I don't want to link to his number to be truthful, I've been in enough trouble with personal details being posted on here.
But the number is 0785* 321 858. An old number I still have for him is 0796* 652 309. In case he reverts back to that one.

Seems he was busy doing the rounds on Monday.


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scented pillow man in Bristol
« Reply #9 on: 13 June 2009, 11:34:47 am »
I got this mail through a Bristol forum and it seems that pillow basterd is making his way round again.
so i copied the mail onto here.
hes been discussed so many times that i wonder if he jut gets his kicks out of making sick phone calls.
has some one actually ever met him?
and would there be a way with the police to actually get his identity out?
he always keeps showing up and its unlikely hes going to stop by own initiative.
I'm just slightly worried he's eventually gonna get his hands on maybe a new girl who is not aware of the forums and the warnings about him.
stay safe every one xx

this is for the ladies Guys if you know any Escorts please warn them

I got a phone call today from a gent in Bristol wanting outcall to his hotel i refused as i was not able to do it but he carried on asking me if i could and said he has a very specific role play to do with scented pillows
this sent my alarm bells ringing as this has been mentioned on warning boards before about this person

He is staying at the Holiday Inn Express at temple meads station in Bristol
0785 .....858 pm me if you want his number
he sounds chinease but may be black or asian definate accent but could not pin down exact accent
he may have tried me as i have a new website so thinks im a newbie but there are warnings about him on all the message boards
and he is well known its believed that he uses scented pillows to "knock out" the lady incredible i know but there are some sick bastards out there

He will also make bookings via adultwork

Please Let Any Other Wgs that offer outcalls be aware He asks for long appointments around 3/4 hours and also enquires about overnights

Thanks BristolEbonyEscort


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Re: Dangerous Pillow-scented man at it again.
« Reply #10 on: 08 October 2009, 03:43:07 pm »
and i would like to add that he has rang me again only yesterday for the bristol area so might be in bristol again
