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Author Topic: Dangerous guy girls beware!!!  (Read 1960 times)

AMBER Decadence

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Dangerous guy girls beware!!!
« on: 06 December 2011, 11:12:22 pm »
Hay girls just want to give you the heads up, I saw this guy he said his name was JOE???? obviously not his real name by the random look on his face when i asked but anyway hes a light skinned black guy, black short curly hair  had a massive gold chain around his neck and a big scar on his stomach he had a really smelly one so had to ask him to have a shower 1st he seemed ok at in the first 5mins with the normal chat were u from etc then started with do you have a bf do you do over nights??? I would love you to be my girl normal rubbish these guys spit out , is this your house are you alone after the 50 questions and tryin to do my job at the same time ;@/ was i like u seem a bit nervous babes are you ok ?? He was like i gotta go i cant do this ive got a gf its a mistake i was like ok babes its fine don't worry we all make mistakes!
So he left with in 10mins i get a tex sayin please dont call or tex my phone again delete my number so i was like ok i would never contact you anyway so dont worry, then he was like you f*****g bi**h i want my money back im coming for it now im gonna kick down your door i no yr alone etc i just ignored it then i got bombarded with texs calls etc threatening me saying im not the 1st escort i've made there lives hell im going to destroy your life etc!! After him sayin earlier i was the 1st escort  hes seen LOL
I had to change my number and profile name and pics hes tryin so hard to terrorise me ive had nearly a week of calls and texs all day and nt from him so decided i need to change my details hopefully so far he ant clocked on but got that feeling its not over!! I got hold of the cab driver and he told me were he dropped him back to so know were hes from and were he lives encase i need to get the police involved hes from ANGEL but says hes from north london Islington, Holloway but please girls beware hes not a nice guy his numbers 07904806*** and 07400603*** inbox me for full number xx