Last straw for me in Heathrow now.
Black guy . Late 20s. Skinny but Muscular.
Came in . Pulled out a plastic blue bag on very was clearly ALOT fake OLD 20 pound notes. I immediately said I will not take them. He then offered to pay via bank transfer. (Conviniently wasn't working)
He kept saying "I got loads money it's OK I'll go to the cashpoint)
He came back with real notes from the cash machine. Wasn't expecting him to come back to be honest.
I then dropped the booking down to 15 mins from 45. As this was getting me a bit unnerved. After finishing. He "lost" his key in the room and proceeded to look around my room. Clearly looking for money . I had it hidden in my backpack. He proceeded to rip my bed apart shouting about his key. HIS KEYS WERE JINGLING IN HI POCKET THE WHOLE TIME TOO. he said it was just his zip :FFThen when I screamed back at him to get his f'in things and get out. I kid you not .... he said "you know what I need the money for back for my rent"

He tried to come back towards where I keep all my bags an dsuitcase. But I managed to push him out the room screaming at him.
I am raging from this. Very uncomfortable as he is local and now knows my room number. I am changing rooms as I have finished this.
Mobile number: +4475087927**
[title edited for all caps]