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Author Topic: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow  (Read 2318 times)


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Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« on: 27 March 2022, 08:33:50 pm »
Last straw for me in Heathrow now.

Black guy . Late 20s. Skinny but Muscular.

Came in . Pulled out a plastic blue bag on very was clearly ALOT fake OLD 20 pound notes. I immediately said  I will not take them. He then offered to pay via bank transfer.  (Conviniently wasn't working)

He kept saying "I got loads money it's OK I'll go to the cashpoint)

He came back with real notes from the cash machine. Wasn't expecting him to come back to be honest.

I then dropped the booking down to 15 mins from 45. As this was getting me a bit unnerved. After finishing. He "lost" his key in the room and proceeded to look around my room. Clearly looking for money . I had it hidden in my backpack. He proceeded to rip my bed apart shouting about his key. HIS KEYS WERE JINGLING IN HI POCKET THE WHOLE TIME TOO. he said it was just his zip  :FFThen when I screamed back at him to get his f'in things and get out. I kid you not .... he said "you know what I need the money for back for my rent"

He tried to come back towards where I keep all my bags an dsuitcase. But I managed to push him out the room screaming at him.

I am raging from this. Very uncomfortable as he is local and now knows my room number. I am changing rooms as I have finished this.

Mobile number: +4475087927**

[title edited for all caps]
« Last Edit: 28 March 2022, 02:58:01 pm by SAAFE »


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #1 on: 28 March 2022, 02:59:28 pm »
Was there anything in particular identifying about this fake money that others could look out for OP?


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #2 on: 28 March 2022, 06:08:47 pm »
100% . There was not single crease in the notes. As flat as if they has been in a presser. Old notes. Not the new one.and the colour is VERY light purple.

They feel of them are like paper also. The older notes are alot thicker .


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #3 on: 28 March 2022, 06:26:31 pm »
Old £20 notes are still legal tender until September I believe


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2022, 08:41:00 pm »
Old £20 notes are still legal tender until September I believe

I don't think the OP refused them because they were the old notes (which as you say are fine to use for months yet), but because they were fake/counterfeit :).


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #5 on: 29 March 2022, 05:34:54 pm »
I also had this scumbag book me on Friday early afternoon. [off topic removed]

Anyway, I have this guy on camera! I have a ring doorbell.

Black guy with beard and hair tied back as was long. Tall, skinny, in his 20's. Was wearing a tracksuit with shallow pockets.

Came in tried to give me paper fake £20's. I knew immediately they were fake as they looked printed out on a bog standard home printer, did not have any holograms on them and the colour was off. I doubt anyone would mistake them for anything other than fake.

When I told him they were fake and I wouldn't take them he kept insisting otherwise and saying the paper notes were still legal tender, but these were a terrible copy as I say. He then said he would do a transfer and I agreed but it meant I had to leave my bedroom to get my details. I went to write them down as I did not want to bring my card or purse in. As I was doing this he came out of my room and into the kitchen where my personal mobile was. I wondered why he had left my room? He continued to walk right around into my through dining room/lounge where I intercepted him. We went back to my bedroom and I gave him the paper with my bank details on. He pretended to do the transfer. I realised I needed my mobile so went to get it. I couldn't find it anywhere. I accused him of stealing it. Of course he said he hadn't. In the end after another search of my place he actually pointed it out as being on the carpet where it was face down. I am pretty certain he took it from where I left it in my kitchen and due to his pockets being so shallow it must of fallen out on my carpet. I know I did NOT leave it in the sitting room on the floor!

The transfer never came through. He tried to get me to carry on and do the booking telling me he had a big dick and that it would come through soon. I refused and he said okay he could go get me plastic notes from the bank. By this point I'd had more than enough and told him to leave.

He kept saying he really wanted a booking and would just go fetch the money n come back. I told him to leave about 4 times before he did, at one point he prodded my breast.

When he left I realised my bedside drawers had been opened, my glucose monitor and diabetes testing kit that's in a zip around pouch was in my bedroom and open when I always leave it in the kitchen and even my cutlery drawer had been opened.

I don't think he found anything to steal, I don't have anything anyway. I never leave cash laying around n now I will be more careful about my phone too. First time anything like this has happened to me and it shook me up!

My area is Northwood so this isn't far from Heathrow where he also went.

« Last Edit: 29 March 2022, 10:40:12 pm by amy »


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #6 on: 05 April 2022, 05:41:00 pm »
He turned up unannounced on my doorstep today at 3pm, this time wearing a black hoody, with a fluro yellow workmans high vis vest, black bottoms and black shoes. I have made a police report about him. I forgot to say last time that he said his name was Dave on texts. I doubt it, he doesn't look like a Dave but you never know.

He's made me so anxious that I could not go out today for a medical appointment and do not want to leave my home, he must be local. I worry now that this weirdo could turn up on my doorstep at any time.

Be safe ladies!


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #7 on: 05 April 2022, 06:22:52 pm »
This guy clearly has more than one number I just realised, this is the one he contacted me on dave 075395614**


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #8 on: 06 April 2022, 12:30:40 pm »
Tinkered could you send me his full number please and I also think he may be local but what makes you think he is? Did he say what area he was from? If so I'd really like to know. And also what name he gave you?


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Re: Dangerous - Fake notes/attempted robbery - Heathrow
« Reply #9 on: 09 April 2022, 06:36:11 pm »
Had more trouble with this guy, different number 075063122** and email i*********** says he's Michael from Chorleywood this time and owns a bathroom business and drives a range rover. Before he was called Dave and his boss was a builder. Also the name Mark B**** is on his email.

Pretended he'd seen me months ago, pretended to be someone else, made the booking with him completely unaware that it was the same weirdo from twice before. He came to my door and I saw him on my ring doorbell camera and emailed him to say there was no way I'd of arranged the booking if I'd known it was him. He denied outright ever seeing me last month n trying to rob me n fob me off with fake notes, denied coming round out of the blue recently, denied everything even though I've got him on camera to prove its him. He said he'd come a long way to see me and I'd wasted his time.

I put in another police report and warned him they've been told and he had better not contact me again or turn up at my door. His response was 'stop messaging me!' I never spoke to him, this was all on email. I didn't even open my door.

This is harassment now.

[names censored]
« Last Edit: 10 April 2022, 12:17:22 pm by amy »