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Author Topic: dangerous Client  (Read 7272 times)


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dangerous Client
« on: 09 February 2009, 01:20:31 pm »
I have been receiving disturbing graphic txts and calls (am now ignoring) from this guy. He talks about tieing you up or restraining you and gagging you and hurting you. He has also contacted several girls recently, sometimes asking to tie you up or sometimes asking for piggyback. He did visit one girl in Bournemouth and I have cut and pasted her warning below. Please save his number as I feel he is quite dangerous.

Goes by the name Pete, phone number is 0794*94*755

Warning posted by another girl last week ?

?He had called a few times before and each time asking the same questions. His request was that i give him a piggy back... this was fine, I?m very strong and I stated that if I feel comfortable then this would be fine (depending on his size) He arrived on foot with a large suitcase and told me he is house hunting in today. I instantly felt un easy around him. He wouldn?t make eye contact and was possibly high on some form of drugs as he was also shaking like a leaf. I asked him if he would mind showing me what he had in his case...making a joke that just in case he didn?t have an axe in there..... He refused to open the case and instantly made me feel uneasy! He said he wanted to pay me more for agreeing to do the piggy back... an extra 100! odd! but he had the cash so I agreed. I placed the money in my top drawer. i asked him if he was ok because his behaviour was making me feel very guarded. He asked for a glass of water and followed me into the lounge area, which clients never some into. He then said what i wanna do is tie u up... using the plastic cable tie things (sorry cant think what they?re called) the ones that u have to cut off yourself to get out... he wanted to link them all together round my waist making a belt then tie my hands to this belt giving me no freedom at all!! I said I really didn?t feel comfortable doing this and his behaviour was making me feel uneasy. He agreed to leave and he then took a lunge for my chest of drawers to grab his money back... shouting give me my fuckin money... i want it all back... I said u can gladly have your money if u calm down. Take ur hands out my knicker draw and back off... luckily being strong i managed to grab his wrists! i threw his case out and he left...hes not stopped caling ever since. He's about 5ft 8ins..totally bald head, scruffy jeans and big blue coat. He's from liverpool but the accent is quite soft. He looks about 32-36 yrs of age and of course lets not forget the suitcase!! Please put his number in your phone girls?

If you would like the full number please contact Anika Mae as I am hanging up my knee high boots and retiring!!! xx
« Last Edit: 10 February 2009, 10:38:23 am by suzysouthampton »


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #1 on: 14 February 2009, 08:53:52 pm »
I have been receiving disturbing graphic txts and calls (am now ignoring) from this guy. He talks about tieing you up or restraining you and gagging you and hurting you. He has also contacted several girls recently, sometimes asking to tie you up or sometimes asking for piggyback. He did visit one girl in Bournemouth and I have cut and pasted her warning below. Please save his number as I feel he is quite dangerous.

Goes by the name Pete, phone number is 0794*94*755

Warning posted by another girl last week ?

?He had called a few times before and each time asking the same questions. His request was that i give him a piggy back... this was fine, I?m very strong and I stated that if I feel comfortable then this would be fine (depending on his size) He arrived on foot with a large suitcase and told me he is house hunting in today. I instantly felt un easy around him. He wouldn?t make eye contact and was possibly high on some form of drugs as he was also shaking like a leaf. I asked him if he would mind showing me what he had in his case...making a joke that just in case he didn?t have an axe in there..... He refused to open the case and instantly made me feel uneasy! He said he wanted to pay me more for agreeing to do the piggy back... an extra 100! odd! but he had the cash so I agreed. I placed the money in my top drawer. i asked him if he was ok because his behaviour was making me feel very guarded. He asked for a glass of water and followed me into the lounge area, which clients never some into. He then said what i wanna do is tie u up... using the plastic cable tie things (sorry cant think what they?re called) the ones that u have to cut off yourself to get out... he wanted to link them all together round my waist making a belt then tie my hands to this belt giving me no freedom at all!! I said I really didn?t feel comfortable doing this and his behaviour was making me feel uneasy. He agreed to leave and he then took a lunge for my chest of drawers to grab his money back... shouting give me my fuckin money... i want it all back... I said u can gladly have your money if u calm down. Take ur hands out my knicker draw and back off... luckily being strong i managed to grab his wrists! i threw his case out and he left...hes not stopped caling ever since. He's about 5ft 8ins..totally bald head, scruffy jeans and big blue coat. He's from liverpool but the accent is quite soft. He looks about 32-36 yrs of age and of course lets not forget the suitcase!! Please put his number in your phone girls?

If you would like the full number please contact Anika Mae as I am hanging up my knee high boots and retiring!!! xx

Hell- I just realised I think I have had this guy try to get in touch with me: End of December he asked if I could cater to his fetish of being tied up and carried or being piggybacked. - I don't think he used the name Pete though, he just gave me the initial 'N'

Sophia M

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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #2 on: 12 March 2009, 09:18:50 pm »
I had something similar not long before Christmas. He said he had a piggyback fetish, and would I be prepared to carry him round the room. He didn't mention either of us being tied up. He gave his name as Nathan.


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #3 on: 13 March 2009, 05:00:30 am »
I had something similar not long before Christmas. He said he had a piggyback fetish, and would I be prepared to carry him round the room. He didn't mention either of us being tied up. He gave his name as Nathan.

Bingo-- I had him again email me after I posted this initially and forgot to mention it- 'Nath' exactly the same song and dance as before as though he forgot he had emailed me before- his email gave the contact number 0774*03*859 (is it ok posting that number too?)


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #4 on: 13 March 2009, 09:21:57 am »
I have had a Nathan and a Terry ask for piggy back services in the last couple of months. Dont know if its related to this guy though.


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #5 on: 20 March 2009, 03:51:18 pm »
the piggyback dangerous guy is on it again. his other no 078---21858. send me a pm will give full number. he want to book for an outcall to a hotel in dartford. be careful girls. he has been calling me non stop today.

« Last Edit: 20 March 2009, 03:54:31 pm by ama »


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #6 on: 14 April 2009, 06:14:45 pm »
this sounds like the same guy message came today
Hello Joanne I'm Terry. I've seen your website and also your profile on andI would like to ask about an appointment. I'm free on the following datesTues 21 - Sat 25 April. As a lightweight guy (under 10st) I like to getpiggyback rides from girls and wondered if you would be able to providethat? If not I'd still like to see you. The rate on adultwork is statedas?40. How long is that for please? Thanks. Kind regards Terry  
sounds like hes still around
« Last Edit: 15 April 2009, 10:03:20 am by sheffields_joanne »


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #7 on: 19 August 2011, 10:34:13 am »
Seems this man could be around again,may not be same guy.Goes by the AW name of Mr Rider.
Ask if i could indulge his fetish of him riding on my back,then followed by a piggy back,then to finish of asked if he could wank off while riding my back again.I'm sure that his name was Terry.I blocked him straight away.x.


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #8 on: 19 August 2011, 10:43:33 am »
Seems this man could be around again,may not be same guy.Goes by the AW name of Mr Rider.
Ask if i could indulge his fetish of him riding on my back,then followed by a piggy back,then to finish of asked if he could wank off while riding my back again.I'm sure that his name was Terry.I blocked him straight away.x.

I get emails from him every now and again as do some of the other girls I know in Newcastle he seems a bit odd but 2 girls I know have seen him and left him good feedback.


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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #9 on: 19 August 2011, 11:06:45 am »
Seems this man could be around again,may not be same guy.Goes by the AW name of Mr Rider.
Ask if i could indulge his fetish of him riding on my back,then followed by a piggy back,then to finish of asked if he could wank off while riding my back again.I'm sure that his name was Terry.I blocked him straight away.x.

Honeypot, what is it exactly about the request you received that makes you think it is the same punter mentioned atthe start of this thread which is now well over two years old? Piggybacking and lift/carry requests are not that unusual, and to tar somebody with the 'dangerous' brush just because he asked for something you would prefer not offer is extremely unfair - the OP is very clear about why the man who contacted her upset her and I don't see the link at all? Does the accent/description fit?

From what MissArcaBunny says it doesn't even remotely resemble the punter in the thread starter, and posts like this could get a completely innocent client blacklisted for no reason. Please read the thread through again and substantiate your post - why do you think this is the same person?

April Showers

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Re: dangerous Client
« Reply #10 on: 20 August 2011, 02:57:17 pm »
I also have seen him his email is terryg******** he contacted me off my website ( so no feedback) he likes piggy back and pony rides ;-D he is from the north east ( from me at least ) and he is ok did have a  few emails before seeing him but he is fine .