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Author Topic: Dangerous Client shropshire  (Read 1490 times)


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Dangerous Client shropshire
« on: 17 February 2022, 07:44:57 am »
Steve 079567176**, Aw member Lockedont1

This client came for a Domination session and then turned on me from sub to being dominant and got aggressive, then demanded his money back, and i had to throw him out.

He then waited in the car park and followed me to my  car taking a picture of me  and my car number plate and then sends me  a text with picture of car number plate and tried blackmailing me for the money back.  He also reported me to the hotel and told me he  was calling the police and reporting a robbery and was going to post pics of me and my car and adultwork username all over the internet.

Now I done a quick check on another sex worker safety app  on his number and he has 4 other reports for this type of behaviour, one report saying he was dangerous, aggressive and tried robbing money back. - i am pointing this out as he obviously has form!

So I had to intervene in the end and texted him off my work phone saying

"Stop harassing me.  Yo have  taken a pic of her car which is a rental car in an attempt to cause distress.

 Under the 1997 harassment act it is a criminal offence and can result in prosecution on criminal courts. This can result in an injunction or prosecution of up to 10 years in jail. I suggest you stop all contact otherwise proceedings will be taken against you. Payment has been made for time and companionship only and consent can be withdrawn at any time."

He then flipped and started sending texts of physical violence!

so I texted back

"These texts have been screenshot. I am  calling police and seeking legal advise. Do you really want your wife/ partner or employer learning about your behaviour? And losing your job if you were to be prosecuted"

He replied

"I tried calling u, clearly your  shitting yourself give me all my money back and ill leave you alone."

So i replied

"I have your texts of you blackmailing me with picture of my car. I've already spoke to the police and taken legal advise and happy to provide a statement to them of your harassment. Your car registration details will be on hotel CCTV so police can easily find your personal details.  Your not the first client I've prosecuted so quit while your ahead"

I get a reply "I'm sorry" and no further respondence and he stopped harassing me.

He's clearly a nasty bully or dangerous and no one has challenged his behaviour before so when I stood up to him with facts of the law and he knew I was serious he backed down. I have reported incident to UM and going to report to police as well.

I went  back in the hotel, they were all staring at me and pointing at me. I wasn't thrown  out but immediately packed my stuff and drove home.