Hi guys.
I have posted this in the main board for advice butn I'd like to arn you of a nasty client.
I was filmed last week by an outcall client but was lucky to notice (concealed laptop).
As you would have guessed, when I confronted him about this, he acted oblivious but I did a little more digging and found the vid on his laptop (along with others) sent it to the recycle bin and deleted it.
He was quite forceful and even proceded with anal sex although he didn't end up paying me the extra for it.
I believe that he makes these videos with the intention of selling/posting them on the net as the booking began with a wierd intro (what's your name and how old are you, amateur porn type thing).
He lives in a flat in Colindale, goes by the name of Andy, black guy with a very distinctive American accent (although this may have been acting). He looks late twenties.
I'm not sure what else to write about him.
He found me on AW.
Good luck guys and stay away from this creep.