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Author Topic: Stalker, pest and a delusional freebie hunter (Victoria, Central London)  (Read 1555 times)


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  • Posts: 198
Met this guy in early June in Victoria. Seemed ok, just a bit too keen - constantly repeated how gorgeous I was and that we should meet for a  ''drink'' or go for a 'weekend away' .. At the moment i thought 'ok he's a bit delusional but harmless' How wrong was I..
He's been pestering me with emails asking me out etc, eventually got fed up and said- this is ''business strictly''.  He got extremely pissed of at that and now places booking request everyday so that he can leave me some bad feedback.

Left me some very positive feedback at the time- I didn't leave him any at all...

He's quite short 5'5 thin and asian but born in UK, in his 30 , goes by the name of Matt.
PM for more details.
« Last Edit: 15 October 2015, 11:33:07 pm by lea »