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Author Topic: Creepy man who does not PAY will try scam you... All around London.  (Read 1887 times)


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Well this is his name peterhill10
He has long hair, dark.
From north london, but says he lives in south.
And he is 5ft4.

Really weird, stares for a long time, tried biting my clit off, i had to tell him numerous times" WOAH GET OFF ME"
It was really bad he wanted to try fist me. (which is impossible) i had to tell him to not go there
Claimed, he left money on the desk, which when he went bathroom i "Stole"   WELL if it you did? and i took it, it wouldnt be stealing now?!
But, HE did not.
He then got realy violent..i had to have security remove him, i would of removed him myself but didnt fancy getting kicked out of hotel haha!
please girls.. Im new to escorting I defintley ask for cash within the first 10 minutes now x :FF


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Re: Creepy man who does not PAY will try scam you... All around London.
« Reply #1 on: 08 March 2012, 09:18:53 pm »
Hi Megan and welcome - hope you're OK.

Could you confirm that by 'name' you are talking about an Adultwork nickname, or whether it's something else you mean? And please post his mobile number here with the last two digits obscured like this: 012345678** and then other members can search for it.