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Author Topic: Creeped me out - desperate weirdo in Newcastle  (Read 2670 times)


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Creeped me out - desperate weirdo in Newcastle
« on: 17 August 2010, 07:58:24 pm »
This one could be harmless but I wouldn't want anyone to risk it.

Yesterday he called me to make an appointment for that evening at quite short notice and I didn't have any availability left and offered him an appointment for this evening at 8.30pm instead, which we arranged over the phone. I gave him the address at the time of booking which I don't normally do, but because it was only for a short appointment I figured that I didn't need to worry about him confirming as if he didn't show up I wouldn't have lost much time. When I took my phone off silent at the end of my appointment yesterday I had several missed calls from him and a couple of texts asking me to please let him know if I had any cancellations for that night or if I could possibly fit him in just for 15 minutes (which is what he had arranged for today).

Today I woke up feeling really ill and had to cancel my work for today. I let him know that I wouldn't be able to see him and apologised for the inconvenience, and he seemed fine with it. At about 7.40 my doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone so I didn't answer it but got my fiance to look out of the window in case it was a delivery or a friend. It was a young man with dark hair and stubble - definitely not a delivery (didn't have anything with him and no uniform) and not anyone either of us know. He left after a minute. Two or three minutes later my work phone rang - withheld number. I hung up and it rang again, still withheld. I picked up and it was my cancelled 8.30 asking 'if I was sure I couldn't make our 8pm appointment'. I asked if he'd just been at my door, he denied it but it would seem like a pretty funny coincidence.

He might be harmless and just have shitty manners but he seems creepy and desperate and I'm glad I was not well enough to see him as I would not want to be alone with someone who comes off so obsessive!

His number is 07583 4789** send me a pm if you want the full number.

Previously known as Krystal Champagne