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Author Topic: Verbally aggressive weird client Reigate Surrey  (Read 1073 times)


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Verbally aggressive weird client Reigate Surrey
« on: 28 October 2015, 06:31:45 pm »
Have had an unpleasant booking today. A guy calling himself Scott who said he was from Sutton in Surrey booked me for half an hour. Sounded okay on the phone. He was very defensive and verbally aggressive when he arrived. I tried to make small talk, he told me to stop asking him questions. Asked me what I wanted to know for. Was only asking stuff like how long did it take him to get here etc. He kept his hands over his cock most of the time. No sex, he just wanked himself off. Cleaned himself up, then bagged up the tissues and wipes in three bags one inside the other, tied the knot in the top of the bags three/four times! I told him I wasn't expecting him to take the bag with him. Hands by now were back over his cock again. Told me he had a girl friend, then said aggressively "What the hell  am I doing here seeing you?" He was quite menacing and I did feel threatened. Number is 074819655**