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Author Topic: Aggressive timewaster, Cardiff  (Read 925 times)

Secret Lou

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Aggressive timewaster, Cardiff
« on: 27 July 2015, 12:38:41 am »
078852083** in Cardiff but this person is from Monmouthshire so could go the other direction too.

Appearance mid-late 50's approx 5'7/5'8 white, dark full head of hair, well dressed, bad teeth.
Speaks with a slur type voice almost as if it is a bit slow and takes a while to get the words out.
Arrived after much drama, was "lost" for almost an hour, despite describing the area in the next street, just couldn't seem to get to my street, despite full street address and full description given.

Upon arrival, complained aggressively about cost, claimed didn't have enough money and needed to leave for cashpoint but would return. By this point I had had enough, advised him that if he left I was unable to welcome him back this evening, he argued cashpoint was only few mins away. While that is correct having waited way past his appointment time while he was only in the next street...

I invited him to stay, or leave, but if he left could not return after another long wait, he went to leave but complained door was locked, i advised this was to stop anyone coming in, he said i was stopping him leaving and he would call police as I "am fake' I suggested he leave and unlocked the door which was just a cylinder lock type catch that is turn left to open and right to lock, so he could have done it easily.

He the held me by the shoulders and demanded I accept ?20/?30. I again told him to leave or I would call police, he went to leave but changed mind and caught his foot in the door, though I managed to push him out. I must admit it did leave me a bit shaken. He left my building with no fuss. Says he will "write me up as fake"  :P

Upon speaking to local girls one has seen him without issue and another he tried to barter with but no aggression that she can recall.