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Author Topic: Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....timewaster  (Read 2469 times)


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Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....timewaster
« on: 05 July 2015, 05:44:34 pm »
Hi girls

not best happy today as i have had 2 clients try to get a free service from me.

Im in the Devon area and this could be there first as they could be all discussing this [on a punting forum] to get a FREE SERVICE.

what happened was...he made an appointment with me this morning, sent the address, confirmed payment and double confirmed.

made my way to the address, it was for 2 hrs which my rate is ?250 - he was 1hr 15 mins from my locations ( so a long journey )

when i arrived he by passed giving me the house number, saying he had popped to the shops and will be back soon, then rang 2 times no answer, he then texted told me the Volvo is park outside his (still would not give me house number) went to the house wrong person.
texted him and he said he was not back yet, then he texted again "i have already paid AW so do i have to pay again" then on that note i left.

his number is 079002371** and address is EX32 7**.

I told him AW will never ask for your card details after a "booking request" is been made and "that sorry a freebie will no happen today" to then still insist for Phone sex because AW taken all his money.

any questions please contact me.

[Off topic reference removed, space removed from mobile number, postcode censored]
« Last Edit: 05 July 2015, 06:37:38 pm by Kayla-Diamond »


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Re: Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....
« Reply #1 on: 05 July 2015, 05:52:36 pm »
Kayla, I've dealt with most of the above (and you can find out about doing proper outcall checks elsewhere on the forum if you don't want things like this to happen again) but could you please add the third from last digit to the mobile number so that the last two are censored and people can search for it? I've also removed your second post, because it didn't add any information - Warnings isn't a discussion board, but you can start a thread about this somewhere else.

And please don't post in all caps :).


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Re: Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....
« Reply #2 on: 05 July 2015, 05:59:35 pm »
this is the 1 st time in 10 years i have come across this and i feel it is getting worse to be honest.

i have made the changes but i don't know how to modify it to place it somewhere else as i thought it would be good under warnings and wasters???


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Re: Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....
« Reply #3 on: 05 July 2015, 06:04:38 pm »
We need the last two digits of the number censored, so the number looks like this: 012345678**.

That way people who are not members and can't PM you can search for it - it's all in the posting rules for this board at the top (which is what the 'Please read the board-specific rules before posting' part below the title is referring to).

The warning part about this specific event belongs in Warnings and doesn't need moving, and only admins and moderators can move threads. The second post didn't add any information and was just speculation about what you think these punters are doing generally and something about a similar thing happening somewhere else, and that sort of stuff can go in Blather & Babble :).


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Re: Guy Scam NEW ways to get free Service....timewaster
« Reply #4 on: 05 July 2015, 06:36:36 pm »
the 2nd post was another incidence i had with a client doing similar with giving address and making you travel all the way to see them, then when they get to their location, they start making either threats / bullying / demands etc etc thats all

some times it good to talk about bad things that happen in this job.
« Last Edit: 05 July 2015, 06:39:03 pm by Kayla-Diamond »